旋流器用于分离去除污水中较重的粗颗粒泥砂等物质的设备,有时也用于泥浆脱水,分压力式和重力式两种,水靠压力或重力由构筑物(或金属管)上部沿切线进入,在离心力作用下,粗重颗粒物质被抛向器壁并旋转向下和形成的浓液一起排出,较小的颗粒物质旋转到一定程度后虽二次上旋涡流排出Hydro-cyclone is mainly used in mineral processing as a classifier, and has proved extremely efficient at fine separation sizes. It is used increasingly in closed circuit operations but has found many other uses, such as desliming, deritting and thickening. It has also found wide acceptance recently for the washing of fine coal. Compare with mechanical classifier, it has the advantage of simple structure,a larger production capacity per unit volume, small occupation space, high efficient classification efficiency (up to 80% -90%), fine grading granularity, low cost, less material consumption and so on.
型号Model | 筒体内径Canister Interior Dia(mm) | 锥角Cone Angle (o) | 溢流管直径Overfall Pipe Dia (mm) | 底流口直径Bottom Exit Dia(mm) | 给料粒度 Permitted input size (mm) | 压力Feeding Pressure (Mpa) | 处理量Processing Capacity (m3/h) | 分级粒度 Classification Granularity (um) | 重量Weight (Kg) |
LZFX660 | 660 | 20 | 180~240 | 80~150 | 16 | 0.03-0.4 | 250~360 | 74~220 | 995 |
LZFX500 | 500 | 25/20/10 | 130~220 | 35~100 | 10 | 0.03~0.4 | 140~220 | 74~200 | 495 |
LZFX350 | 350 | 25/20/15 | 80~120 | 30~70 | 6 | 0.03~0.4 | 60-105 | 50~150 | 182 |
LZFX300 | 300 | 20/15 | 65~120 | 20~40 | 5 | 0.03~0.4 | 45-90 | 40~150 | 108 |
LZFX250 | 250 | 20/15/10 | 60~120 | 16~40 | 3 | 0.05~0.4 | 40-65 | 30~100 | 72 |
LZFX200 | 200 | 20/15 | 40~65 | 16~32 | 2 | 0.05~0.4 | 25-40 | 30~100 | 60 |
LZFX150 | 150 | 20/15/8 | 30~45 | 8~22 | 1.5 | 0.05~0.4 | 11-20 | 30~74 | 20 |
LZFX125 | 125 | 17/8 | 25~40 | 8~18 | 1 | 0.05~0.4 | 8-15 | 20~100 | 10 |
LZFX100 | 100 | 20/15/8 | 20~40 | 8~18 | 1 | 0.05~0.4 | 5-12 | 20~100 | 8 |
LZFX75 | 75 | 15/7 | 15~20 | 6~12 | 0.6 | 0.1~0.5 | 2-5 | 5~74 | 4.2 |
LZFX50 | 50 | 15/6 | 11~18 | 3~12 | 0.3 | 0.1~0.5 | 1.5-3 | 10~30 | 2 |
LZFX25 | 25 | 5/3 | 5-8 | 2~5 | 0.2 | 0.1~0.5 | 0.3-1 | 2~10 | 1 |
水力旋流器,重介质旋流器,旋流分离器,聚氨酯旋流器,旋流分级机,透明旋流器,高效旋流器 ,