实验格子型球磨机Lab Grate Mill
该设备室选矿实验研究单位和选矿中间实验工厂,进行矿石可选性研究实验时,作业连续磨矿货研究测定矿石可磨性指标之用,亦可供选矿精选厂做磨矿设备使用,本设备主要由420/450的格子型球磨机,150/1200的螺旋分级机,35升摆式给矿机,90/600螺旋运输机组成,可连续进行闭路磨矿工作,设备出厂时,均已安装好电气设备和供水系统,安装时,不需另设基础,根据所处理的物料性质和对磨细产品粒度特性的具体要求,可选三种不同流程,分别进行磨矿:1预先磨矿,检查分级2预先分级,返砂再磨3开始磨矿Lab Grate Mill is provided for mineral processing research organization and pilot plant for continued grinding operation,and study and determination of indexes of ore grindability in tests of mineral feasibility study,It also can be provided for beneficiation plant as grinding equipment or other industries as fine material grinding equipment.The equipment include Ball Mill,Spiral Classifier,Swing Feeder,Conveyor ,optional three different processes, respectively grinding:1Pre-grinding,inspection classification 2Pre-graded sand and then back to grind 3.start grinding.
型号Model | 处理量Capacity | 给料粒度Feed size | 排料粒度Output size | 总功率Power | 外形尺寸Dimension size | 重量Weight |
Unit | Kg/h | mm | mm | kw | mm | kg |
LZMQL420/450 | 45-90 | 5-10 | 可控制磨到95%-0.074 | 2.12 | 1630/1260/1730 | 800 |