About the Steady 1300 Non-clogseriesSubmersible pumps for sewage and surface water within municipal
and commercial building applications. Non-clog impellers are
designed to maintain reliable performance at sustained efficiency.
- 流体:水
- 流量:0 l/s
- 扬程:0 m
- 流体温度:277 K
- 电机: 3~400V/50Hz
- 额定功率: 24 kW
- 转速: 1455 1/min
- 防护等级: --
- 电机设计: 3 PH STD W
进口ITT Flygt 飞力水泵密封3127款机械密封件 飞力泵用机械密封件,飞力X, XA型密封,ITT,分体式 飞力污水泵密封件系列(ITT泵),分上端面和下端面两部分组成 泵号3126-181/3127/4440/5530 上端面材料: 石墨、整体不锈钢下端面材料: 合金机械密封属内装,内流,单端面,单弹簧,非平衡型结构。其主要特点双机械密封,标准配置为:内机械密封端面动静环材质为WCCR/WCCR,内机械密封端面动静环材质为WCCR/WCCR,橡胶件为EPDM。WCCR为高质量碳化钨材质。
About the Steady 1300 Non-clogseriesSubmersible pumps for sewage and surface water within municipal
and commercial building applications. Non-clog impellers are
designed to maintain reliable performance at sustained efficiency.
- 流体:水
- 流量:0 l/s
- 扬程:0 m
- 流体温度:277 K
- 电机: 3~400V/50Hz
- 额定功率: 24 kW
- 转速: 1455 1/min
- 防护等级: --
- 电机设计: 3 PH STD W