86122A Multi-Wavelength Meter产品细述:
品 牌:Agilent | 安捷伦 | 美国惠普 | HP
Maximum Number of Laser Lines Input: 1000
Wavelength Range: 1270 – 1650 nm (182 to 236 THz)
Wavelength Absolute Accuracy: ±0.2 ppm (±0.3 pm at 1550 nm and 1310 nm) for laser lines separated by ≥10 GHz
Keysight's Multi-Wavelength Meter 86122A is the right, instrument to efficiently develop, manufacture and verify optical components for next generation high-speed applications, especially systems equipped with tunable transmitter laser.
Wavelength scan in less than 0.5sec
Wavelength accuracy: ± 0.3 pm
High Laser Input power: 10dBm (18dBm - Safe Input level)
Advanced built-in measurement applications (Drift, OSNR, Data Logging, FP Laser Characterization)
Built-in HeNe laser wavelength standard
The fast wavelength scan allows you to double the speed of characterizing optical devices versus wavelength.
The wavelength accuracy gives you the certainty of accurate channel characterization in dense WDM systems, to detect channel's wavelength shift and crosstalk between adjacent channels.
Enables you to test transmitter without additional connections and instruments (e.g. attenuator).
The built-in applications allow smart stand-alone test stations, which reduces footprint requirements and costly test procedure development.
The built-in HeNe guarantees an accurate absolute wavelength measurement real-time determined against the standard anytime and ensures accurate and reproducible experimental results.
联系人: 邹琼斌
手 机:13168918785
Q Q: 772149346
电 话: 400-7888159
传 真: 0755-82437689
邮 箱:zqb13168918785@163.com