GHILLIE® NMN-N50 由中间一层聚酯薄膜及两边芳纶纸纸组成.
GHILLIE® NMN-N50 is three-ply flexible insulating material consists of middle polyester film and both sides with NOMEX paper.
GHILLIE® NMN-N50是耐热等级为N级(200℃)的柔软复合材料,具有良好的机械性能,如抗拉强度和边缘防撕 裂性能以及良好的电气强度.其表面平滑,当生产低压电机使用自动下线机时可确保无故障.
GHILLIE® NMN-N50 is a combined flexible material of thermal rating class N(200 ℃) with excellent mechanical properties like high tensile strength and high edge tear resistance combined with high electrical strength. The type has a smooth surface which allows a trouble free manufacture of low voltage motors where coil shooting machines are used.
GHILLIE® NMN-N50主要用于低压电机中的槽间,槽盖和相间绝缘,也可用作变压器或其他电器的层间绝缘.
GHILLIE® NMN-N50 is mainly used a slot liner, slot closure and phase insulation in the production of low voltage motors. It is used as interlayer insulation in transformers and other electrical machines and appliances.