SLA-823 双侧面星轮圆瓶贴标机 |
SLA-823 Double-side Star-wheel Round Labeling Machine |
Multi-function: Suitable for three kinds of bottle shape (round,square,flat etc.), makes two labels and orientation labeling requirement possible. (适应用于:适全三种瓶形(方瓶、扁瓶、圆瓶),多种方式(双侧面、圆周双标等) |
同步功能: 1、圆瓶定位贴标每分钟可达140瓶,非定位以及侧面贴标每分钟达180瓶。 2、高精度扁瓶校正机构及三点固定式圆瓶贴标,保证贴标精度。 3、提供各项检测功能,防止标签漏贴、错贴、重贴、贴歪及打码不清或漏打等问题。
High speed: Speed up to 140 bottles per min for orientation labeling,two labels and common round bottle labeling speed up to 180bottles per minute. (圆瓶定位贴标每分钟可达140瓶,非定位以及侧面贴标每分钟达180瓶。) Precision:High-accuracy flat bottle correction device and three points holding mechanism allows high labeling precision for round bottle. (高精度扁瓶校正机构及三点固定式圆瓶贴标,保证贴标精度。) Reliability: Various inspection devices are available as options for detectiong missed label,missed code or wrong code etc. by machine vision devices or photo-electric devices. Failed bottles upon inspection will be rejected accurately right after labeling (提供各项检测功能,防止标签漏贴、错贴、重贴、贴歪及打码不清或漏打等问题) |
主要性能及特点 1、 组全贴标机,适用范围广;只需要简单调整即可在侧面贴、圆周贴之间相互转换。 2、 一台机可完成三种类型(方瓶、扁瓶、圆瓶)、多种规格的侧面贴标、圆周定位贴标。 3、 伺服电机控制转盘扶正辊机构,有效确保圆周定位贴标的精度。 4、 针对扁形、方形等表面不规则及有弧度瓶身而设计以确保贴标精度及效果。 5、 双侧链条带校正装置确保扁瓶、方瓶的对中性。 6、 特殊弹性顶装置,确保瓶身的稳定性。 7、 可选透明标签专用的检测电眼提高检测精度。 8、 贴标参数储存功能(可预存50组贴标参数,变更瓶子时无须重新设定)。 9、 标签智能管理功能、预警提示功能、可选的图像检测系统等。
A dual-function labeler for wide range of applications Simple adjustment to swap between side labeling mode and orientation wrap-around labeling mode. (组全贴标机,适用范围广;只需要简单调整即可在侧面贴、圆周贴之间相互转换.)One labeler to handle three different shapes of bottles (rectangular, oval, round)with large size ranges, and also achieves orientation in wrap-around labeling. (一台机可完成三种类型(方瓶、扁瓶、圆瓶)、多种规格的侧面贴标、圆周定位贴标。)Servo motor driven registered wrap-around mechanism which is in the form of a roller wheel to effectively ensure accurate registration. (伺服电机控制转盘扶正辊机构,有效确保圆周定位贴标的精度)Design features to ensure precise and smooth labeling on oval or rectangular bolles(针对扁形、方形等表面不规则及有弧度瓶身而设计以确保贴标精度及效果)An alignment device composed of a pair of side chains to ensure symmetrical alignment of bottles along the center line. (双侧链条带校正装置确保扁瓶、方瓶的对中性)A top conveyor belt at synchronized speed with the main conveyor to hold the bottles in place to maintain bottle alignment and stability throughout the labeling process. (特殊弹性顶装置,确保瓶身的稳定性)Optional special label sensor for detection of film transparent labels. (可选透明标签专用的检测电眼提高检测精度)50 sets of labeling paramaeters memory allows easy changeover between different labeling jobs by switching the pre-defined parameters set. (贴标参数储存功能可预存50组贴标参数,变更瓶子时无须重新设定)Intelligent label quantity management,warning messages and optional visual inspedtion devices. (标签智能管理功能、预警提示功能、可选的图像检测系统等) |
技术参数: 物料尺寸 (方/扁瓶) 厚度30-90mm,高度≤300mm,圆瓶直径:Ф50-60mm 贴标速度 侧面贴标60-150瓶/分钟、圆周定位40-140瓶/分 (与物料及标签尺寸有关) 停标精度 ±0.3mm 贴标机精度 ±0.5mm 使用环境温度 5-45℃ 使用环境湿度 15-90%(无冷凝) 输送带宽度 91mm 外形尺寸 L3000mm×W1620×H1590mm |