进口大量元素水溶肥-高钾型 0-200-420+TE 膨果/着色 增甜/耐储
This product is a kind of high concentrated source of potassium, imported from Germany with potassium hydroxide with organic compound form, ensure that increase the uptake of the clock and improve the rate of potassium in crops mobile, improve the effective absorption of potassium by crops, increase crop resistance. Potassium helps regulate the use of plants for water. This product with rich nutrition, contain increase crop quality trace element boron, zinc, iron, manganese, can promote middle melon and fruit coloring, reduce dehiscent fruit, navel rotten, rotten leaves, lobular deficiency symptoms appear. Increased potassium will also push for sugar in storage and transportation of fruit crops or root, can improve the ability of plants against the disease, improve fruit quality, promote the sweetener, coloring, swelling, resistant storage, prolong the harvest time. 产品特点 本品是一种从德国进口的高浓缩钾源,其中氧化钾以有机复合形式存在,确保了钾的摄取增加,提高钾在作物体内移动速率,提高作物对钾的有效吸收,增加作物的抗性。钾有助于调节植物对水资源的利用。本品营养丰富,含有提高作物品质的微量元素硼、锌、铁、锰,可促进中后期瓜果的着色好,减少裂果、脐腐、烂叶、小叶等缺素症状的出现。钾的增加也将推动糖分在作物果实或根部的存储和运输,可提高植物对抗疾病能力,改善水果的品质,促进增甜、着色、膨果、耐储存,延长采收期。 1, clear when applied, diluted 800-1000 times. 2, strong drench method applied, fertilizing diluted 800-1000 times. 3, when using, the dilution water usage shall be adjusted according to the crop and soil conditions, make the nourishment composition can be made Fully absorb and loss not waste. 4, crop spraying on the leaf, the early stage of the diluted 1000-1500 times, the late diluted 800-1000 times of water use. Note 1, spraying on the leaf choose best early in the morning or in the evening, 4 hours in the rain should be spraying again.2, with a mixture of strong acid, strong alkali products, lest affect fertilizer effect.3, airtight store in a cool and dry place.4, long-term preservation underhightemperature or low temperature, can appear the phenomenon such as precipitation, but does not affect the use and effectiveness. 5, dosage of melon crops in half. Validity: 3 years production date: see printing or label
使用作物 蔬菜、瓜果、叶菜、药材、果树、大田作物等 。 使用方法 1、清理施用时,稀释800-1000倍。 2、冲淋施方法施用时,稀释800-1000倍施肥。 3、使用时,稀释水使用量要根据作物及土壤等状况调整,使营养成分能被作 物充分吸收而不流失浪费。 4、作物叶面喷施时,前期稀释1000-1500倍,后期稀释800-1000倍水施用。 注意事项 1、叶面喷施选择清晨或傍晚效果最佳,4小时内遇雨应重新喷施。 2、禁止与强酸、强碱类产品混用,以免影响肥效。 3、密闭储存于阴凉干燥处,远离火源及儿童。 4、在高温或低温下长期保存,可能出现沉淀等现象,但不影响使用和肥效。 5、瓜类作物用量减半或加倍用水量。 有效期:3年 生产日期:见喷码或标签
地址:北京市大兴区工业园A区 电话:18801141615 全国免费热线:4000-887-101 网址:www.bjxfkj.com