This product is activated by a variety of enzymes, amino acids, natural vitamin, pollination, swelling factor peptide probiotics, brightener, life and other active ingredients of chelating high-tech products to increase production. For a variety of flowering, sturdy crops can have its conduction and promote the effect of flower bud differentiation. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth and plasma flow, quick to promote growth, fruit, promote pollination, the fruit is uniform, uniform appearance, color bright beautiful, melon article suitable straight, prevent premature aging, improve quality, improve the presentation and prices, resistance to water, high and more than 30% of income, and listing 7 to 15 days in advance.
Applicable crops Fruit class: strawberry, watermelon, melon, melon, pumpkin, wax gourd, balsam pear, towel gourd, etc Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, leek, celery, cabbage, kale, spinach, lettuce, parsley, onion ginger, onion, etc Fruit class: orange, apple, peach, pear, grape, mango, pomegranate, jujube, litchi, kiwi, grapefruit, apricot, hawthorn, etc Other field crops, grain and oil, tubers, tea, tobacco, such as flower of Chinese herbal medicine, strong crops all can use. Method of use After the flowers before or diluted 2000-2500 times liquid, evenly spray on crop plants. In bulk fruiting diluted 2000 times liquid, evenly spray on crop plants. This product can be with the mixture of alkaline pesticide, spraying meet must be heavy rain gush in half an hour. This product must avoid spraying on the sun, not a substitute for artificial pollination. This product has good effect for melon crops, suggested by half. The quality guarantee period: 3 years production date: see the sealing or outer packing
本品是由多种激活酶、自然维生素、授粉素、膨果因子、光亮剂、生命肽益生菌等多种活性成份螯合而成的高科技增产精品。对各种开花、结实作物都能起到自身传导和促进花芽分化的功效。促进花粉粒萌发和花粉管增长及原生质的流动,快速促进生长,保花果、促进授粉、果实匀正、均匀美观、色艳味美、瓜条顺直、防止早衰,提高品质,提高卖相和售价,耐贮耐运,增收丰产30%以上,提前上市7-15天。 适用作物 瓜果类:草莓、西瓜、甜瓜、哈密瓜、南瓜、冬瓜、苦瓜、丝瓜等 蔬菜类:番茄、黄瓜、辣椒、茄子、西葫芦、韭菜、芹菜、菠菜、生菜、白菜、甘蓝、香菜、葱姜蒜等 果树类:柑橘、苹果、桃、梨、葡萄、芒果、石榴、枣、荔枝、猕猴桃、柚子、杏、山楂等 其他大田类作物、粮油类、块茎类、茶叶、烟草、中草药等开花、结实作物均可使用。
使用方法 在花前或花后稀释2000-2500倍液,对作物全株均匀喷雾。 在膨果期稀释2000倍液,对作物全株均匀喷雾。 注意事项 本品可与非碱性农药混用,喷施半小时遇雨须重喷。 本品必须避开烈日喷施,不能代替人工授粉。 本品对瓜类作物效果较好,建议减半使用。 质量保证期:3年 生产日期:见封口或外包装 地址:北京市大兴区工业园A区 电话:18801141615 全国免费热线:4000-887-101 网址