自动胶扣机可实现沙发木方进行连续 自动化打胶扣。其中工作台伺服升降,适 合不同厚度木方自动调整,伺服自动送木 方,振盘自动上胶扣料,可以实现在木方 任意位置打胶扣。料仓存料,自动推料出 料。可根据客户工艺定制。 Automatic gluing machine can nail plactic button consecutive of sofa wood,one of the worktable ser vice up and down,automatic sdjustment of different thickness wood,ser vice sending wood by a u t o m a t i c , V i b r a t i o n p l a t e n a i l plastic button automatic,nail plastic button any site of wood.stock m a t e r i a l , w o r k a b l e automatic,customize by clients' requirement.