在每个公路可以看到波形护栏板、波形护栏板真的有那么大的影响吗?为什么安装护栏?下一步我们将解释为高速公路安装的原因,波形护栏板有什么作用,为什么高速需要安装波形护栏。 Can be seen in each road waveform guardrail plate, wave barrier plate really have so much impact? Why do you install the fence? The next step we will explain the reasons for the installation of the highway guardrail plate, what is the role of the wave barrier plate, why need to install high-speed waveform guardrail. 在路中间安装1波形护栏板,当车辆失去控制,能有效地防止失控车辆跑到对面车道发生碰撞的两倍。 In the middle of the road to install 1 waveform guardrail plate, when the vehicle is out of control, can effectively prevent the runaway vehicle ran to the opposite lane collision occurred two times. 2波形护栏板是一种半钢型防护设施,韧性很好,车辆撞击时,能圆滑的国家,迫使车辆回到正常的线。 2 waveform guardrail plate is a semi steel protective equipment, toughness is very good, the impact of the vehicle, able to smooth the country, forcing the vehicle back to the normal line. 3可以减缓冲击损坏的驱动器,韧性好的国民警卫队的板,不易折断,打时,可使车辆停止通过波形护栏板的变形,很好的缓冲和减少由威海引发的事故。 3 can reduce the impact damage to the driver, the national guard board toughness, is not easy to break, play, can make the vehicle stop by the deformation of corrugated guardrail plate, good buffer and reduce accidents caused by Weihai. 4波形护栏板和一个明显的优势,可以让司机看清道路边缘线和护栏板也是很好的效果,在夜晚,在灯光的照耀下让司机容易识别道路。 4 waveform guardrail plate and a clear advantage, allowing the driver to see the edge of the road line and barrier plate is also a good effect, in the night, in the light of the driver to make it easy to identify the road. 以上是公路的中心,对高速公路护栏板两侧的保护作用也很重要,在雨、雪等恶劣条件下的自然环境,波形护栏板也可以锻炼好提醒驾驶员正确。大大改善了视力差的运动视线。 The above is the highway guardrail plate center, protective effect on both sides of highway guardrail board is also very important, in the rain, snow and other inclement conditions of the natural environment, guardrail board can also be a good exercise to remind the driver right. Greatly improved the poor vision of the movement of sight.
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