随着社会的发展,交通变得越来越便捷,也给我们的生活带来很多方便,但是安全是一个不容忽视的问题。针对交通安全有两个着手点: With the development of society, traffic is becoming more and more convenient, but also bring a lot of convenience to our life, but security is a problem that can not be ignored. In view of traffic safety, there are two starting points: 第一,主动预防,例如指定相关交通法规,交通标示标线等。 First, active prevention, such as specifying the relevant traffic regulations, traffic signs and markings. 第二,当交通事故发生的时候尽量把伤害降到最低,这时候就需要板和避险车道等防护措施。 Second, when the traffic accident occurs as far as possible to minimize the damage, this time the need for high speed rail and safe road, and other protective measures. 防撞高速护栏是目前最常见的交通安全设施之一,设置护栏板的意义有以下几方面的意义: High speed rail barrier is one of the most common traffic safety facilities, and the significance of setting up the fence board has the following meanings: 1.有效减少撞车事故的发生: 1 effectively reduce the occurrence of the crash: 近年来,因为生活压力大,疲劳驾驶,酒后驾驶等原因,而引发的交通事故不在少数,所以采用合理的长度、结构形式能够及时有效预防车辆冲出道路,避免造成更大的伤害。 In recent years, because the life stress, fatigue driving, drink driving and other reasons, caused by traffic accidents not in a few, so the reasonable length and structure form can be timely and effective to prevent the vehicle out of the road, to avoid cause greater harm. 2.减少了道路两侧障碍物数量。 2 to reduce the number of obstacles on both sides of the road. 高速护栏板虽然有防护道路障碍物的作用,但是如果设置不当,本身就成了障碍物,所以使用护栏板的时候,需要合理设置。 High speed rail board, although the role of road barriers, but if not set properly, itself becomes a barrier, so the use of the fence board, the need for a reasonable set. 3.有效降低驾驶员的心理压力 3 effectively reduce the driver's psychological pressure 两侧的板有诱导视线的作用,所以合理的设置,有助于缓解驾驶员在行驶过程中的视觉疲劳,缓解紧张情绪,从而降低事故的发生率。 Both sides of the high speed rail board has the role of inducing sight, so a reasonable setting, help to ease the driver in the driving process of visual fatigue, ease the tension, thereby reducing the incidence of accidents.
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