1. 工作温度:-10℃到55℃;
2. 采样通道:1;
3. 高精度24bit数据采集及处理,显示精度:±0.1%FS;记录精度±0.25%FS;
4. 指针基本指示误差:不超过全量程的±1%;指针不灵敏区:不超过全量程的±0.2%;
5. 数据显示:五位0.8英寸高亮度数码管显示,可以满足远距离或者是户外的观察需要,数据显示范围(0-29999),单位PSI/MPa可设定。满足国内外绝大多数数据显示需求(解决目前国内外圆盘记录仪均为4位数显,超过9999PSI的测量就无法正常显示的问题);
6. 记录周期:1h/圈至24h/圈可以自由配置,解决不同记录周期的需求;
7. 报警点设置:可以根据需要扩展(蜂鸣器、继电器)。
8. 输入信号:4~20mA,0~3.3VDC,0.5~4.5VDC和0~5VDC可根据需要设置;
9. AC 85V到265V宽电压50/60Hz供电,功耗不大于10W,满足绝大多数国家现场供电需求;
10. 工程塑料箱体,具有防水、抗震的特点;
11. 外形尺寸:405mm×350mm×144mm。重量:11.6Kg
1. Working temperature:-10℃ to 55℃
2. channel number:1
3. High precision 24bit data acquisition and processing,Display precision:±0.1%FS;Recording precision:±0.25%FS
4. Pointer basic indication error:FS±1%;Pointer range:FS±0.2%;
Pointer balancing time:less than 2s;
5. Data display:5 Five digital display 0.8 inch height High brightness can meet the requirements of long distance and outdoor reading. display range(0-29999),unit: PSI/MPa (optional). It can satisfy most of customer’s requirements (now all the charter recorders are 4 digital display, it cannot display correctly if the value is more than 9999PSI);
6. Record cycle: 1h/circle to 24h/circle can be user-fined freely to meet the different record cycle requirements.
7. Alarm point setting:it can be expanded according to the need such as buzzer and relay.
8. Input signal:4~20mA,0~3.3VDC,0.5~4.5VDC and 0~5VDC optionally;
9. Power supply: AC 85V to 265V, 50/60Hz, power is less than 10W,it can meet plenty of power supply all over the world.
10. Packing: engineering plastic box has the characteristics of waterproof and shockproof.
11. Size:405mm×350mm×144mm. Weight:11.6Kg