Introduction产品简介 3M氟化液是一种热稳定,全氟液体主要作为工业的和传导液。由于的化学惰性,所以可以用于单相或者二相的冷却液,用于超级计算机系统和军用的敏感电子元器件。因为其非常高的绝缘性,其可以用于高压变压器和高功率电子元器件的冷却。在半导体行业,主要用于蚀刻设备、离子注入设备,化学气相沉积(CVD)的恒温冷却液。由于的倾点非常低,所以可以用于冷热冲击试验及其他各种测试。 3M Fluorinert Electronic Liquid is a thermally stable, fully-?uorinated liquid that has long been used as a heat transfer ?uid in a variety of industries. The inertness of Fluorinert liquid permits its use as a direct contact single and two-phase coolant in supercomputers and sensitive military electronics. Its high dielectric strength and electrical resistivity are ideal for applications in high voltage transformers and power electronics. In the semiconductor manufacturing industry, its wide liquid range makes Fluorinert liquid ideal for cooling ion implanters, dry etchers and CVD machines. Its low pour point also permits its use in thermal shock and test equipment.
Physical Properties物理化学性质 性质 | | | 平均分子量 | 416 | 399 | 一个大气压下沸点(℃) | 97 | 95 | 倾点(℃) | -110 | -127 | calculated critical pressure(帕斯卡) | 1.58×106 | 2.47×106 | calculated critical Temperature(K) | 495 | 511 | 蒸汽压(帕斯卡) | 5.62×103 | 6.58×103 | 蒸发潜热(焦耳/克) | 89 | 85.9 | 液体密度(Kg/m3) | 1780 | 1793 | 运动粘度(centistokes) | 0.72 | 0.79 | 绝对粘度(centipoise) | 1.3 | 1.359 | 液体比热(焦耳/kg*℃) | 1100 | 1038 | 导热率(W/m*℃) | 0.063 | 0.063 | 热胀系数(1/℃) | 0.00138 | 0.00148 | 表面张力(dynes/cm) | 13 | 14.8 | 折射率 | 1.28 | 1.27 | 溶水性(ppm) | 13 | 14 | 水溶性(ppm) | 5 | 1.3 | 臭氧破坏潜质 | 0 | 0 | 介电强度(0.246cm距离) | 40kv | >40kv | 介电常数 | 1.9 | 1.9 | 电阻率(ohm cm) | 1.9×1015 | >3×1014 |