诺亚不锈钢有限公司是成立于2009年春。是建客隆,力鹏,建英恒等联合公司之一,以不锈钢定制件为主要优势,以不锈钢钣金、不锈钢水槽格栅、不锈钢酒柜屏风、不锈钢屏风扶手栏杆、不锈钢异型定制件等 。
不锈钢定制件可以来图来样定制、非标图样;材质为 国标304 、国标 316L为主
Noah Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. was founded in the spring of 2009. Is Lipeng, built one of the guests, the British identity joint company, with stainless steel as the main advantage of customized parts, stainless steel sheet metal, stainless steel sink, stainless steel bar grille screen, stainless steel screen, stainless steel handrail custom etc..
Stainless steel custom parts can be customized to drawings, samples, non-standard drawings; materials for the national standard 304, GB 316L based
Various colors, vacuum plating patterns, may be designated color, and can be done without fingerprint processing