棉纺包芯纱络筒机该络筒机联系18913612352是专为大圆机厂及棉纺织厂、毛纺织厂,在细纱机上加工氨纶品种除外的各种包芯纱而特别设计制造的,解决了生产包芯纱过程中纱线张力问题。每锭三只筒管同时饶线,使其生产效率、产量、成型、松紧度和最终产品质量达到所有客户要求。如果您有时间可来厂考察。该络简机是专为大圆织机厂以及棉纺织厂、毛纺织厂,在细纱机上加工,氨纶品种除外各种包芯纱丝而特别设计制造的,解决了生产包芯纱过程中纱线张力问题,每锭三只管筒同时卷绕,使其生产效率、产量、成型、松紧度和最终产品质量达到所有客户要求。 This cone winding machine is designed for great circle toom factory and textife factory, woolen mill. It is specially designed for various kinds of core-spun yarn except spandex to processed on the spinning frame.ltsolved the thread tension problem during the producing of core-spun yarn,Jhree winding drums per spindle to wind up to improve production efficiency,output,shaping,tension and quafity of final products to meet all customer needs. 技术参数(Technical parameter)↓ 技术参数(Technical parameter)名称 Machine typeJQL5325控制方式Control mode 衡线速控制 value-wire-speed control生产速度Production speed 600米/分 600 m/min起动速度Start-up speed1-300秒可调 1-300 seconds is adjustable定长设置Fixed-length settings100-990000米可调 100-990000 meters is adjustabteble 驱动方式Driven mode每锭、二台交流电机、一台专用变频器Every spindle, two sets of AC motor, one special inverter 张力调整Tension adjustment 每锭配:可调式张力器 allocation of each spindle: djustable tension deVice卷绕简管Winding bobbin85mm*58mm卷绕直径Winding diameter250mm*45mm每节锭数The number of each ingot5锭(每锭三只筒管 5spindles(3 bobbins/spindle)供电电压Supply Voltage三相220V 50-60HZ Three-phass 220V 50-60H.Z安装尺寸 Installed-size1990mm(长)*700mm (宽)*1400 (高)1990mm(length) * 700mm (width) * 1400 (H)适应品种Adapt varieties锦纶、涤纶、涤丙复合丝.(粘胶丝),PBT.POY-,FDY等nylon, polyester, polyester /propylene compound fiber (viscose filament).PBT, POY, FDY, etc. 设备订购 徐先生 18913612352