联系人: 谢小姐 15989364195 QQ:1726326298
Agilent E4438C ESG系列6G数字信号发生器安捷伦250kHz-6GHz
Agilent E4438B ESG矢量信号发生器通过提供优异的基带信号而达到了新的性能水平。它具有宽RF调制带宽、快采样率和大存储器,这是评估2.5G、3G和宽带无线通信系统及部件的关键要求。此外,ESG矢量信号发生器还提供达6GHz的频率覆盖,能符合无线局域网的特殊要求。
·250 kHz 至 1,2,3,4,6GHz 的频率覆盖
·使用外部I/Q输入时的160MHz RF调制带宽,或使用内部基带发生器时的80MHzRF调制带宽
·固件专用件 (3GPP W-CDMA, cdma2000/IS-95A, GSM/EDGE/NADC, 噪声) 和 Signal Studio 软件专用件 (802.11a, 802.11b, 蓝牙, 1xEV-DO)
·10BaseT LAN, GPIB, 和RS-232 连接能力
E4438C ESG 矢量信号发生器将优异的射频性能与完美的基带信号生成能力相结合,能够在基带、中频和高达 6 GHz 射频频率上提供已校准的测试信号。由于采用了具备任意波形和实时 I/Q 能力的内置基带发生器、大量波形回放和存储器以及宽射频调制带宽,E4438C ESG 可用来测试当前的复杂无线系统及其器件。
E4438C ESG 是一种具有极强适应能力和多种可选功能的平台,它支持您针对各种基带和射频测试应用进行仪器定制,包括简单的失真测试、常见故障诊断、基带编码算法开发、先进的收发信机设计验证以及大规模制造。借助其模块化架构,它还能根据您当前所需的性能水平和信号生成能力轻松地完成仪器配置,并通过选件在未来进行升级。
过渡至新型 MXG X 系列信号发生器,生成真正的性能
新型 MXG 在各个方面均超过了 ESG 的性能——功率、ACPR、EVM、相位噪声、带宽和存储器深度——并提供广泛的信号仿真功能,以及实时波形和任意波形生成功能。
E4438C-003 Enables ESG digital output connectivity with N5102A
E4438C-004 Enables ESG digital input connectivity with N5102A
E4438C-005 Hard Drive 6 Gbyte
E4438C-1CM Rack mount without handle
E4438C-1CN Handle kit
E4438C-1CP Rackmount kit with front handles
E4438C-1E5 High-stability time-base
E4438C-1EM Moves all front panel connectors to rear panel
E4438C-221 Waveform license 5-pack1
E4438C-222 Waveform license 5-pack2
E4438C-223 Waveform license 5-pack3
E4438C-224 Waveform license 5-pack4
E4438C-225 Waveform license 5-pack5
E4438C-226 Waveform license 5-pack6
E4438C-227 Waveform license 5-pack7
E4438C-228 Waveform license 5-pack8
E4438C-229 Waveform license 5-pack9
E4438C-250 Waveform license 50-pack1
E4438C-251 Waveform license 50-pack2
E4438C-252 Waveform license 50-pack3
E4438C-253 Waveform license 50-pack4
E4438C-254 Waveform license 50-pack5
E4438C-255 Waveform license 50-pack6
E4438C-256 Waveform license 50-pack7
E4438C-257 Waveform license 50-pack8
E4438C-258 Waveform license 50-pack9
E4438C-259 Waveform license 50-pack10
E4438C-400 W-CDMA FDD personality, fixed perpetual license
E4438C-401 CDMA 2000 and IS-95-A personalities, fixed perpetual license
E4438C-402 TDMA personalities (GSM, EDGE, NADC, PDC, PHS, DECT, TETRA), fixed perpetual license
E4438C-403 Calibrated noise personality, fixed perpetual license
E4438C-409 GPS personality, fixed perpetual license
E4438C-419 Signal Studio for 3GPP W-CDMA HSPA Rel 6, fixed perpetual license
E4438C-423 Scenario generator for MS-GPS, fixed perpetual license
E4438C-501 Frequency Range, 250kHz to 1 GHz
E4438C-502 Frequency Range, 250kHz to 2 GHz
E4438C-503 Frequency Range, 250kHz to 3 GHz
E4438C-504 Frequency Range, 250kHz to 4 GHz
E4438C-506 Requires enhanced phase noise (UNJ), 250kHz to 6GHz
E4438C-601 Internal baseband generator, 8 Msa memory with digital bus capability
E4438C-602 Internal baseband generator, 64 Msa memory with digital bus capability
E4438C-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
E4438C-AMG Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited)
E4438C-HBC Provides frequency from 4GHz up to 6GHz In and Out on the rear panel
E4438C-HCC Provides 250MHz to 4GHz in and out on the rear panel
E4438C-HEC Provides external BBG clock input on rear panel
E4438C-HF8 Extends the Frequency to 7.0 GHz for the E4438C with unspecified performance
E4438C-SP1 Signal Studio for Jitter injection, fixed perpetual license
E4438C-SP2 Provides dynamic sequencing capability in the E4438C
E4438C-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test data
E4438C-UN7 Internal Bit Error Rate analyzer
E4438C-UNB High output power with mechanical attenuator
E4438C-UNJ Enhanced phase noise performance
N6171A MATLAB Software
N6171A-M01 MATLAB-Basic Package, inpidual license - node-locked
N6171A-M02 MATLAB-Standard Package, inpidual license - node-locked
N6171A-M03 MATLAB-Advanced Package, inpidual license - node-locked
N7600B Signal Studio for W-CDMA/HSPA+
N7600B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7600B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-9FP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-9TP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-EFP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA R7, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-ENP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA R7, floating license
N7600B-ETP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA R7, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-FFP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA+ R8, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-FNP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA+ R8, floating license
N7600B-FTP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA+ R8, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7600B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7600B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7600B-QFP Advanced W-CDMA / HSPA+ R10, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-QNP Advanced W-CDMA / HSPA+ R10, floating license
N7600B-QTP Advanced W-CDMA / HSPA+ R10, transportable perpetual license
N7600B-WFP Advanced W-CDMA/HSPA+ real-time R8 UL, fixed perpetual license
N7600B-WTP Advanced W-CDMA/HSPA+ real-time R8 UL, transportable perpetual license
N7601B Signal Studio for cdma2000/1xEV-DO
N7601B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7601B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-EFP Basic cdma2000, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-ENP Basic cdma2000, floating license
N7601B-ETP Basic cdma2000, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-FFP Basic 1xEV-DO, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-FNP Basic 1xEV-DO, floating license
N7601B-FTP Basic 1xEV-DO, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7601B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7601B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7601B-QFP Advanced cdma2000, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-QNP Advanced cdma2000, floating license
N7601B-QTP Advanced cdma2000, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-RFP Advanced 1xEV-DO, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-RNP Advanced 1xEV-DO, floating license
N7601B-RTP Advanced 1xEV-DO, transportable perpetual license
N7601B-WFP Advanced cdma2000 real-time UL, fixed perpetual license
N7601B-WTP Advanced cdma2000 real-time UL, transportable perpetual license
N7602B Signal Studio for GSM/EDGE/Evo
N7602B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7602B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-EFP Basic GSM/EDGE, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-ENP Basic GSM/EDGE, floating license
N7602B-ETP Basic GSM/EDGE, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-FFP Basic EDGE Evo, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-FNP Basic EDGE Evo, floating license
N7602B-FTP Basic EDGE Evo, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7602B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7602B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7602B-QFP Advanced GSM/EDGE/Evo, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-QNP Advanced GSM/EDGE/Evo, floating license
N7602B-QTP Advanced GSM/EDGE/Evo, transportable perpetual license
N7602B-WFP Advanced GSM/EDGE real-time, fixed perpetual license
N7602B-WTP Advanced GSM/EDGE real-time, transportable perpetual license
N7606B Signal Studio for Bluetooth
N7606B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7606B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-9FP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-9TP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7606B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7606B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7606B-QFP Advanced Bluetooth V 1.1, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-QNP Advanced Bluetooth V 1.1, floating license
N7606B-QTP Advanced Bluetooth V 1.1, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-RFP Advanced Bluetooth V 2.1+EDR, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-RNP Advanced Bluetooth V 2.1+EDR, floating license
N7606B-RTP Advanced Bluetooth V 2.1+EDR, transportable perpetual license
N7606B-SFP Advanced Bluetooth Low Energy, fixed perpetual license
N7606B-SNP Advanced Bluetooth Low Energy, floating license
N7606B-STP Advanced Bluetooth Low Energy, transportable perpetual license
N7607B Signal Studio for DFS Radar Profiles
N7607B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7607B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7607B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7607B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7607B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7607B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7607B-EFP DFS profiles for FCC, ETSI and Japan MIC, fixed perpetual license
N7607B-ETP DFS profiles for FCC, ETSI and Japan MIC, transportable perpetual license
N7609B Signal Studio for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
N7609B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-3FP Connect to N5182 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-3TP Connect to N5182 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-9FP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-9TP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-EFP Basic single and multi-satellite waveforms, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-ETP Basic single and multi-satellite waveforms, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7609B-NFP Real-time CW interference signal, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-NTP Real-time CW interference signal, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-PFP Advanced GPS real-time and scenario generation, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-PTP Advanced GPS real-time and scenario generation, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-SFP Advanced GLONASS real-time and scenario generation, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-STP Advanced GLONASS real-time and scenario generation, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-UFP Advanced Galileo real-time and scenario generation, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-UTP Advanced Galileo real-time and scenario generation, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-WFP Advanced Beidou real-time and scenario generation, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-WTP Advanced Beidou real-time and scenario generation, transportable perpetual license
N7609B-XFP Advanced SBAS/QZSS real-time and scenario generation, fixed perpetual license
N7609B-XTP Advanced SBAS/QZSS real-time and scenario generation, transportable perpetual license
N7610B Signal Studio for 802.15.4g
N7610B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7610B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7610B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7610B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7610B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7610B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7610B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual license
N7610B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual license
N7610B-QFP Advanced MR-FSK, fixed perpetual license
N7610B-QTP Advanced MR-FSK, transportable perpetual license
N7610B-RFP Advanced MR-OFDM, fixed perpetual license
N7610B-RTP Advanced MR-OFDM, transportable perpetual license
N7611B Signal Studio for Broadcast Radio
N7611B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7611B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7611B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7611B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7611B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7611B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual license
N7611B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7611B-QFP Advanced FM stereo/RDS, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-QNP Advanced FM stereo/RDS, floating license
N7611B-QTP Advanced FM stereo/RDS, transportable perpetual license
N7611B-RFP Advanced DAB/DAB+/DMB, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-RNP Advanced DAB/DAB+/DMB, floating license
N7611B-RTP Advanced DAB/DAB+/DMB, transportable perpetual license
N7611B-SFP ETI support for DAB/DMB, fixed perpetual license
N7611B-SNP ETI support for DAB/DMB, floating license
N7611B-STP ETI support for DAB/DMB, transportable perpetual license
N7612B Signal Studio for TD-SCDMA/HSDPA
N7612B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7612B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7612B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7612B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7612B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7612B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual license
N7612B-EFP Basic TD-SCDMA/HSDPA, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-ENP Basic TD-SCDMA/HSDPA, floating license
N7612B-ETP Basic TD-SCDMA/HSDPA, transportable perpetual license
N7612B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7612B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7612B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7612B-QFP Advanced TD-SCDMA/HSDPA, fixed perpetual license
N7612B-QNP Advanced TD-SCDMA/HSDPA, floating license
N7612B-QTP Advanced TD-SCDMA/HSDPA, transportable perpetual license
N7613A Signal Studio for Fixed WiMAX软件
N7614B Signal Studio for Power Amplifier Test
N7614B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7614B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7614B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7614B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7614B-EFP Envelope Tracking, fixed perpetual license
N7614B-ETP Envelope Tracking, transportable perpetual license
N7614B-FFP Digital Pre-Distortion, fixed perpetual license
N7614B-FTP Digital Pre-Distortion, transportable perpetual license
N7615B Signal Studio for Mobile WiMAX
N7615B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7615B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7615B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7615B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7615B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7615B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual license
N7615B-EFP Basic Mobile WiMAX, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-ENP Basic Mobile WiMAX, floating license
N7615B-ETP Basic Mobile WiMAX, transportable perpetual license
N7615B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7615B-QFP Advanced Mobile WiMAX, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-QNP Advanced Mobile WiMAX, floating license
N7615B-QTP Advanced Mobile WiMAX, transportable perpetual license
N7615B-RFP Advanced Mobile WiMAX 802.16 Updates, fixed perpetual license
N7615B-RNP Advanced Mobile WiMAX 802.16 Updates, floating license
N7615B-RTP Advanced Mobile WiMAX 802.16 Updates, transportable perpetual license
N7617B Signal Studio for WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
N7617B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7617B-9FP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-9TP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-AFP Connect to M8190A arbitrary waveform generator, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-ATP Connect to M8190A arbitrary waveform generator, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-EFP Basic 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-ENP Basic 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN, floating license
N7617B-ETP Basic 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-FFP Basic 802.11n WLAN, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-FNP Basic 802.11n WLAN, floating license
N7617B-FTP Basic 802.11n WLAN, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-GFP Basic 802.11ac WLAN, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-GNP Basic 802.11ac WLAN, floating license
N7617B-GTP Basic 802.11ac WLAN, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-HFP Update to 802.11a/b/g/j/p and 802.11n, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-HNP Update to 802.11a/b/g/j/p and 802.11n, floating license
N7617B-HTP Update to 802.11a/b/g/j/p and 802.11n, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7617B-QFP Advanced 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-QNP Advanced 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN, floating license
N7617B-QTP Advanced 802.11a/b/g/j/p WLAN, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-RFP Advanced 802.11n WLAN, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-RNP Advanced 802.11n WLAN, floating license
N7617B-RTP Advanced 802.11n WLAN, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-SFP Update to 802.11n WLAN, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-SNP Update to 802.11n WLAN, floating license
N7617B-STP Update to 802.11n WLAN, transportable perpetual license
N7617B-TFP Advanced 802.11ac WLAN, fixed perpetual license
N7617B-TNP Advanced 802.11ac WLAN, floating license
N7617B-TTP Advanced 802.11ac WLAN, transportable perpetual license
N7620B Signal Studio for Pulse Building
N7620B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7620B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7620B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7620B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7620B-3FP Connect to N5172B/N5182B EXG/MXG, fixed perpetual license
N7620B-3TP Connect to N5172B/N5182B EXG/MXG, transportable perpetual license
N7620B-AFP Connect to M8190A arbitrary waveform generator, fixed perpetual license
N7620B-ATP Connect to M8190A arbitrary waveform generator, transportable perpetual license
N7620B-DFP Connect to N824xA/N603xA, M93xx, fixed perpetual license
N7620B-EFP Basic pulse building - pulse patterns, fixed perpetual license
N7620B-ETP Basic pulse building - pulse patterns, transportable perpetual license
N7620B-LIC License on CD-ROM
N7620B-QFP Advanced pulse building - antenna and PRI, fixed perpetual license
N7620B-QTP Advanced pulse building - antenna and PRI, transportable perpetual license
N7621B Signal Studio for Multitone Distortion
N7621B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7621B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7621B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7621B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7621B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7621B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7621B-AFP Connect to M8190A, fixed perpetual license
N7621B-ATP Connect to M8190A, transportable perpetual license
N7621B-DFP Connect to N824xA/N603xA/M933x, fixed perpetual license
N7621B-EFP Enhanced Multitone, fixed perpetual license
N7621B-ETP Enhanced Multitone, transportable perpetual license
N7621B-FFP Noise Power Ratio (NPR), fixed perpetual license
N7621B-FTP Noise Power Ratio (NPR), transportable perpetual license
N7621B-LIC License CD ROM
N7622B Signal Studio 工具套件
N7623B Signal Studio for Digital Video
N7623B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7623B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-EFP Advanced DVB-T/H real time, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-ETP Advanced DVB-T/H real-time, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-FFP Advanced DVB-C/J.83 Annex A/C real-time, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-FTP Advanced DVB-C/J.83 Annex A/C real-time, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-GFP Advanced DVB-S/S2 real-time, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-GTP Advanced DVB-S/S2 real-time, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-HFP Advanced DVB-T2 real-time, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-HTP Advanced DVB-T2 real-time, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-JFP Advanced ISDB-T real-time, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-JTP Advanced ISDB-T real-time, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-LIC License CD-ROM
N7623B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7623B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7623B-MFP Advanced ISDB-Tmm, ISDB-T enhancement, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-MNP Advanced ISDB-Tmm, ISDB-T enhancement, floating license
N7623B-MTP Advanced ISDB-Tmm, ISDB-T enhancement, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-NFP Advanced ATSC-M/H, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-NNP Advanced ATSC-M/H, floating license
N7623B-NTP Advanced ATSC-M/H, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-PFP Advanced BER tools, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-PNP Advanced BER tools, floating license
N7623B-PTP Advanced BER tools, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-QFP Advanced DVB-T/H/C/J.83 Annex A/C, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-QNP Advanced DVB-T/H/C/J.83 Annex A/C, floating license
N7623B-QTP Advanced DVB-T/H/C/J.83 Annex A/C, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-RFP Advanced ISDB-T, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-RNP Advanced ISDB-T, floating license
N7623B-RTP Advanced ISDB-T, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-SFP Advanced DTMB, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-SNP Advanced DTMB, floating license
N7623B-STP Advanced DTMB, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-UFP Advanced ATSC, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-UNP Advanced ATSC, floating license
N7623B-UTP Advanced ATSC, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-VFP Advanced DVB-S, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-VNP Advanced DVB-S, floating license
N7623B-VTP Advanced DVB-S, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-WFP Advanced DVB-S2, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-WNP Advanced DVB-S2, floating license
N7623B-WTP Advanced DVB-S2, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-XFP Advanced J.83 Annex B, DOCSIS DS, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-XNP Advanced J.83 Annex B, DOCSIS DS, floating license
N7623B-XTP Advanced J.83 Annex B, DOCSIS DS, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-YFP Advanced CMMB, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-YNP Advanced CMMB, floating license
N7623B-YTP Advanced CMMB, transportable perpetual license
N7623B-ZFP Advanced DVB-T2, fixed perpetual license
N7623B-ZNP Advanced DVB-T2, floating license
N7623B-ZTP Advanced DVB-T2, transportable perpetual license
N7624B Signal Studio for LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD
N7624B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7624B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-9FP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-9TP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-HFP Basic LTE FDD R9, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-HNP Basic LTE FDD R9, floating license
N7624B-HTP Basic LTE FDD R9, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-JFP Basic LTE-Advanced FDD R10, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-JNP Basic LTE-Advanced FDD R10, floating license
N7624B-JTP Basic LTE-Advanced FDD R10, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-KFP Envelope tracking, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-KNP Envelope tracking, floating license
N7624B-KTP Envelope tracking, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-LIC License CD ROM
N7624B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7624B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7624B-SFP Advanced LTE FDD R9, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-SNP Advanced LTE FDD R9, floating license
N7624B-STP Advanced LTE FDD R9, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-TFP Advanced LTE-Advanced FDD R10, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-TNP Advanced LTE-Advanced FDD R10, floating license
N7624B-TTP Advanced LTE-Advanced FDD R10, transportable perpetual license
N7624B-WFP Advanced LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD real-time R9/R10 UL, fixed perpetual license
N7624B-WTP Advanced LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD real-time R9/R10 UL, transportable perpetual license
N7625B Signal Studio for LTE/LTE-Advanced TDD
N7625B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating license
N7625B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-9FP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-9TP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-EFP Basic LTE TDD R9, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-ENP Basic LTE TDD R9, floating license
N7625B-ETP Basic LTE TDD R9, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-JFP Basic LTE-Advanced TDD R10, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-JNP Basic LTE-Advanced TDD R10, floating license
N7625B-JTP Basic LTE-Advanced TDD R10, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-KFP Envelope tracking, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-KNP Envelope tracking, floating license
N7625B-KTP Envelope tracking, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-LIC License on CD RoM
N7625B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating options
N7625B-MEU Minor enhancement update
N7625B-QFP Advanced LTE TDD R9, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-QNP Advanced LTE TDD R9, floating license
N7625B-QTP Advanced LTE TDD R9, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-TFP Advanced LTE-Advanced TDD R10, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-TNP Advanced LTE-Advanced TDD R10, floating license
N7625B-TTP Advanced LTE-Advanced TDD R10, transportable perpetual license
N7625B-WFP Advanced LTE/LTE-Advanced TDD real-time R9/R10 UL, fixed perpetual license
N7625B-WTP Advanced LTE/LTE-Advanced TDD real-time R9/R10 UL, transportable perpetual license