本产品适用于密封性要求相对更高或托辊轴承生产企业轴承注脂条件不太完善。轴承在无尘车间出厂前注好油脂加上轴承本身的密封防尘盖。流水线操作性价比更高。密封防尘盖有铁封(代号ZZ通称80)胶封(代号2RS 2RZ通称1 80)之分。
This product is applicable to the higher sealing requirements or imperfect grease producing condition.Bearing in the clean workshop before leaving the factory, has the grease injected and has the dustproof cover capped.Pipelining is more cost-effective.Sealing dustproof cover has iron seal(code ZZ called 80) or rubber seal (code 2RS 2RZ called 1 80).