温控活门,防烫阀门,恒温控制阀,温控阀,恒温助推器,恒温疏水阀温包,恒温阀芯,石蜡恒温元件,风口恒温装置,电热执行器温包推动器 HOSSN Thermostatic Element Series Products,HOSSN 12V, 24V, 220V Thermal Linearity Remote Valve,HOSSN HOSSN Thermostatic Element for Compressor,淏森石蜡温包控制开关 ,HOSSN Diesel Engine Automatic Regulator
HOSSN:The Thermostatic Element isregulating element responding to the variation of the? temperature. It isthe key component for thermostatic control products in the sanitaryindustry as well as in the heating system. Also widely used in automotive, shipbuilding, construction,aerospace,machinery, medical and other fields ,Thermostatic Element features manyadvantages such as compact size, precised regulation, fast response,long operating life and maintenance free ;