The Agilent 87511A/B S-parameter test sets provide the capability to measure S-parameters of 2-port devices from 100 kHz to 500 MHz with a network analyzer. The test ports of the Agilent 87511A are 50 ohm connectors (option 87511A-800: 7 mm or option 87511A-001: type N(f)), and the test ports of the Agilent 87511B are 75 ohm type N(f) connectors. Calibration kits are not included.
安捷伦87511a /乙S参数测试设备提供能力,以衡量S参数的2端口器件由100千赫至500兆赫与网络分析仪。测试端口的安捷伦87511a是50欧姆连接器(选项87511a - 800 : 7毫米或期权87511a - 001 : N型( f )段) ,研究与试验口岸安捷伦87511b是75欧姆N型(六)连接器。校准包不包括在内。