优势:1) 有8mil 9mil 10mli 三个厚度选择,可以根据实际情况选择厚度,提高客户使用的舒适度。 2)我司拥有多名资深生产工艺工程师,在提供产品服务的同时,还可以提供技术工艺上的支持,为客户提供切实可行的产品方案。
使用提示1please ensured that the surface is free from contamination. Has the tape elongate, do not pull the tape during application as it will affect the adhesive performance.请确保粘接部件表面清洁。使用时不要将胶带拉长,否则将会影响胶带表面胶粘剂的粘性2When cleaning after the wear of the tear, do not use acetone or oil base solvent as the tape will not stick on the surface especially when the clamp is heated up. Use alcohol base solvent, such as IPA to clean the tape to ensure that the tape and adhesive can last longer on the application. 胶带使用过程中如出现表面沾污需清洗时,不要使用丙酮或油基溶剂进行清洁,尤其在部件在被加热的情况下将使得胶带容易剥落。建议可以使用醇基溶剂或异丙醇清洁胶带,以确保胶带及胶粘剂能较长时间使用 3Do not use metal or steel brush to clean and getting rid of the adhesive residue. Use only plastic brush as it is softer and do not scratch the
surface and make the surface rough and surface height higher (surface valley deeper). 更换胶带时不要用金属刷或钢刷清洁和去除部件表面残留的粘合剂,金属刷会导致部件表面变得粗糙。建议使用柔软的塑料刷进行清洁避免不刮伤部件表面。4Surface roughness and height to high affect the adhesive performance because if the adhesive cannot reach and bond to the bottom of the surface, there will be air pocket and when heated up, the air will expand push the tape upwards. 需粘结的部件表面要求尽量的光洁,因为在粗糙表面上胶带与部件基面不能完全贴合,使得粗糙表面底部与胶带间存留了一些空气未能排出,在工件加热时由于残留空气的膨胀将导致胶带粘力降低。5Hoped that the above can help you to understand the adhesive tape application better. 希望以上可以帮助你了解胶带,更好的应用。