功能特点|Functions and special feature ● 中瑞技术合作产品,采用瑞士进口伺服电机每分钟转速可达 25000转 ● A product of Sino-Swiss technologies,servomotors imported from Switzerland.The motor are running,Vibrating at rotary speed up to 25000rpm ●采用意大利AMT直线导轨作为传动导轨,保证机器高速平稳运转且精度高。 ●The Italian AMT straight-line guide rails are used as drive rails to ensure the machinse will run in a steady manner at utmost accuracy. ● 整机数据线全部采用德国进口。 ● Date wire all imported from Germany. ● 机器台面采用美国进口纤维板,透气性好,耐用,不易变形 。 Table mat are imported from USA,the fiber board are durable,with good,permeability,very stable in thickness and shape. ● 由最稳定的以太网口用网线传输数据,并可直接连接AI软件 以及Autocad,Coraldraw等所有软件输出 ● Date is transfer by Ethernet,the most stable method.File can be exported to machine directly from Adobe Illustrator, Coraldraw without conversion to maintain maximum accuracy. ● 直接在机器上控制所有微调功能,包括图档自动优化功能, 无需另配多一台电脑。 ● All fine tuning can be made with control penal on the machine.