产品信息:3克不含HQ透明啫喱指甲胶3 grams HQ free clear GEL nail glue,料号/Item No:FN09,HQ含量/HQ content:50PPM以下/below 50PPM,颜色/Color:透明/Clear,包装/Packaging:50支/盒,20盒/箱,即1000支/箱Packing: 50pcs/box,20boxes/carton,total 1000pcs/carton.

用法:将指甲表面处理干净,将有行FC2指甲胶涂于指甲上面,甲片粘贴固定3-15秒,48小时后为合适强度方可接触水。Usage instruction: Cleaning the surface of finger nails, and then apply the glue on it, stick the artifical nails in 3-15seconds. Contact the water after 48hours with the best strength.

注意事项:1.小孩不可使用,眼睛、皮肤不可接触,若不慎接触应立即用水清洗,严重须找医师处理,建议在使用前索取本公司的MSDS安全资料。1.Keep away from children.avoid contact with eye and skin.,if contact occurs,flush with warm water and seek for medical attention.refer MSDS before use.2.一般存储,存储于阴凉干燥处,0-20摄氏度无日光直射处,保质期12个月。2.store in cool and dry and no direct sunlight condition at 20℃ or 0℃,shelf life 12 months.

