Cimberio旋启式止回阀CIM80XLB.1主要是根据MSS-SP-110和PS117-2004以及EN ISO9001标准执行的。主要为不锈钢或者冷拉钢管设计,单向连接。该系列产品适用于商业管道和卫生系统,高压灭菌器,泵以及压缩空气系统。
CIM 30PRS.1内置止回阀结构紧凑,无噪音设计,压降较小,可垂直或者水平安装,拥有双阀杆向导,遇热时可自由旋转阀杆。
The CIM 747PRS.1 balancing valve is manfuactured in accordance with EN ISO 9001 and is designed for direct connection to hard drawn copper and/or stainless steel tube using standard press tools. (CimPRESS is not intended for use with soft or rolled copper tubing.) The CIM 747PRS.1 balancing valve is designed to provide high accuracy flow balancing and measurement across all valve settings. The cimberio CIM 747PRS.1 balancing valve is available in valve sizes from 1/2" through 2" and is manufactured of corrosion resistant brass. It is suitable for both heating (LPHW) and cooling applications at working pressures up to 232 PSI.
Cimberio CimJOINT™ telescopic expansion valves and unions allow you to cut in a new valve or repair a leaky pipe in minutes, with or without cutting a thread or soldering a joint .
Expand up to 1-3/8".
Available with threaded or compression ends for connection to copper, iron, steel, galvanized, and stainless steel pipe and tubing.
Solve expansion and contraction problems in pipe systems.
Screw into pipe work without the need of couplings, unions or nipples.
Rated at 232 PSI; working temperature range: -4° to 248° F.
Manufactured in accordance with EN ISO 9001.
A must-have for easy, quick, and safe repairs.
Cimberio Cim 1220NL Full Port Ball Valve Press x Press
Cim 1220.1
Cim 220XLC.1
Cim 80PRS.1
Cim 80XLB.1 XLB Swing Check Valve Press x Press
Cim 1220NL
Cim 80XLC.1