SatLink WS-6922 DVB-S/DVB-S2 Without Spectrum 高清寻星仪
Using WS 6922 can receive DVB-S and DVB-S2 signal.It\\'s very convenient for instal ler to catch quick and accurate al ignment for antenna to the best position.WS 6922uses microprocessor control ler with rel iable and stable performance.
When it is turned on channel picture, signal strength and signal quality will be showed on LCD screen. And also big menu window can be selected for data figure.WS 6922 displays EL/AZ, CBER/VBER, S/N, signal strength and lock sound alarm.
WS 6922 can detect very weak signal and provide antenna power(OFF/13V/18V). It\\'s with auto.
WS 6922 has the AV in and AV out function.WS 6922 assist with key backl ighting, flashlight.
WS 6922 uses the 12V power adapter.It includes 8.4V3000mAH high capacity LI-ION battery which can work for more than 2 hours when it is fully charged.

使用WS 6922可以接收DVB-S和DVB-S2信号。\ \ ' s方便安装l赶上快速和准确的货物为天线的最佳位置。WS 6922使用微处理器控制l rel变量和性能稳定。
当它打开通道,信号强度和信号质量将会显示在液晶屏幕上。也大可以选择菜单窗口数据图。WS 6922显示EL / AZ,cb / vb,S / N,声音报警信号强度和锁。
WS 6922可以探测非常微弱的信号,并提供天线功率(关闭/ 13 18 v / v)。它与汽车\ \ ' s。
WS 6922和AV影音的函数。WS 6922协助关键backl锁定宽和高,手电筒。
WS 6922使用12 v电源适配器。它包括8.4 v3000mah高容量锂离子电池可以工作超过2小时充满电时。