SOLAR POWER PAD IP09(sunpower高效片)
Solar energy and efficient solar charger circuit. Environmental protection and energy inexhaustible.
Monocrystalline solar cells and Epoxy resin surface seal.
Slim & Light design with 6mm thickness.
Portable and frame design fit for outdoor and indoor usage.
Standard USB output fit for mobile phone and other portable digital devices.
This product cannot contact with strong corrosive objects.
To prevent hard objects surface scratching during operation.
The product cannot endure the bending force during transportation and assembly.
太阳能发电 自发自用 节能环保
太阳能(solar energy),是指太阳的热辐射能(参见热能传播的三种方式:辐射),主要表现就是常说的太阳光线。在现代一般用作发电或者为热水器提供能源。太阳能既是一次能源,又是可再生能源。它资源丰富,既可免费使用,又无需运输,对环境无任何污染。为人类创造了一种新的生活形态,使社会及人类进入一个节约能源减少污染的时代。