浙江全自动千张机 千张百叶机供应供应商 自动化程度高 Xinfeng manufacturers sale, CNC control 1000, 1000 leather do different thickness, the thickness of 3-4 mm thickness, the thickness of the dried bean curd to the Northeast 咨询电话:131-7677-2576 孔丽 微信同步 鑫丰厂家新款热销中,数控调速千张机,可做厚薄不同的千张皮,厚度3-4毫米,薄度达到东北干豆腐的薄度
选择鑫丰自动千张机的理由:浙江全自动千张机 千张百叶机供应供应商 自动化程度高1.自动千张机效率高,一次性碎脑,保证了产品的原汁原味。2.自动千张百叶机产量高,厚薄均可生产。咨询电话:131-7677-2576 孔丽 微信同步3.用电量小,220v家用照明电或380v工业电都可以使用,节能易生产,每小时耗电只需1.5度。4.占地面积小,只需5米长,3米宽的地方就可以安装并操作。5.主机全不锈钢制作,不锈钢网带,便于清洗,没有易损件。6.开发了各种型号机械,满足市场实际需求,可以根据客户实际要求,订做机器。7.鑫丰千张机是大豆加工千张百叶的专用设备,它是代替手工家庭式生产千张的一大革新
浙江全自动千张机 千张百叶机供应供应商 自动化程度高 Xinfeng always follow: 'there achievements, sincerity first "business philosophy, to maximize the development and innovation, strengthen the company image, improve customer service service, we will be more aggressive. In line with the principle of small investment, quick response and high efficiency, the company recommends the right products combined with the specific circumstances of every customer, and brings a brand new opportunity to China's thousands of enterprising and enterprising compatriots.咨询电话:131-7677-2576 孔丽 微信同步