Copper ore used in casting, forging, machinery, metallurgy, heat treatment, steel structure, space truss structure, containers, ships, building, Bridges, mines and other areas of deoxidization, derusting, reinforcement, forming, surface cleaning of eliminating stress and various profiles and rough (hair) pretreatment before coating, electroplating, stone cutting, magnetic pill for casting, as heavy concrete and blast furnace refractory additives, in order to increase its wear resistance, high temperature resistance, erosion resistance, electrostatic shielding, radiation protection, the well filtering tank, weight and so on.
1. Used for cleaning, removing rust, strengthening etc.
2. As a wear-resistant floor aggregate, it can be made into hard floor tile, which can be used in the square, the ground protection of the yard, etc.
3. Suitable for heavy sand, such as cement plant.
4. After careful processing, it is suitable for denim spraying and all kinds of precise spraying.
公司名称: 巩义市青云耐火材料有限公司
销售经理: 李银利
联系电话: 15981910583
座 机: 0371-60266286
邮 箱: 3182503917@ .com
主 页: https://shop1420476232672.1688.com
地 址: 河南省巩义市陇海路西段186号