围巾搓须机,广泛应用于围巾、毛毯、浴巾、毛巾、桌布、窗帘、沙发等纺织品的搓须、捻须、搓辫等加工,设计结构合理,操作方便,工作效率高,一台捻须机可替代32个劳动力,每班可生产2500条。解决了手工加工的粗细不匀、长短不齐的质量问题, 该设备使用二相0.37-0.75千瓦电动机,比手工加工效率提高20-30倍。本设备经国内外多家用户的多年使用,受到用户的一致好评,是简单搓辫机及人工搓辫的最佳替代产品。也是围巾及其同类织件生产企业节约劳动力成本,提高生产效率和经济效率的最佳设备。
我厂共生产80CM-260CM等门幅的各种型号围巾搓绳、搓须、捻须、搓辫机,适用于仿羊毛、羊绒、涤棉等多种围巾加工,是各围巾厂家及加工户理想的设备。 该产品目前畅销国内外等多处市场,远销埃及,伊拉克、土耳其、印度等各国。我厂还可以根据用户需求,定做各种围巾加工设备。
Scarf/ Shawl/ Blanket Fringing Machine
We design and produce the fringing machine. This new technology has filled in the gaps of domestic textile industry, and we gained national utility model patent certificate. The machine mainly used for twisting the fringe of scarf, shawl or blanket and knot the fringe end,
It has been praised by many users, and be well received by the users in china and abroad. We delivered many to Egypt, India, Turkey etc.
Technical Data:
1. Working Width: 260cm
2.Total capacity: 0.65kw
3. Electricity: 220v ±10%、50HZ
4.Work efficiency: 2~3 pcs/min.
5.Package Dimension: L*W*H 2600*1000*1600mm
6. Gross Weight: 350kg
7. Fringe length range: 150mm~450mm