Diesel generator burning time, if not enough it would be easy to cause air pollution, but also endanger the operator when serious personal safety, the diesel generator manufacturers today teach you some ways to improve fuel to reduce pollution, this method is the method of fuel water, the fuel water intake pipe and water emulsified diesel oil etc. The 2 turbine manufacturers, a method to make the following analysis:
1. Air intake pipe sprinkler
The main effect of the intake pipe water spray is the heat absorption and the dilution of the fuel density. When a small amount of water into the combustion chamber and good atomization, the water vapor of the micro explosion effect of the oil drop is broken into smaller oil droplets, thus promoting the formation and combustion of mixed gas in the combustion process. Due to the endothermic role of water can make the maximum combustion temperature is reduced, as injection can reduce the fuel density mix water and oil, the maximum combustion temperature is further reduced, thus reducing NOx emission. It is necessary to pay attention to the need to prevent freezing in the storage tank of diesel generating sets in winter and to automatically adjust the amount of water spray with the size of the load.
2. Emulsified diesel oil
Water in diesel oil, the emulsified diesel oil, because of its "Anhui burst" effect, the good fuel atomization well prompted air formation of strong turbulence, the distribution of fuel and air is more uniform, the generation of soot reduction. Water gas reaction of water vapor also reduced smoke emissions. In addition, the emulsified diesel fuel can reduce the maximum combustion temperature, so the production of NOx is reduced.
The above two ways are to promote the combustion of oil by adjusting the fuel oil. After that, the harmful gas emitted from the diesel generating set is reduced naturally, which is quite effective for reducing the environmental pollution and ensuring the safety of the working environment.