玻璃市 Perils
丁加奴 Terengganu
哥打巴鲁 Kota Baharu
哥打基纳巴卢 Kota Kinabalu
古晋 Kuching
瓜拉丁加奴 Kuala Terengganu
关丹 Kuantan
吉打 Kedah
吉兰丹 Kelantan
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
加央 Kangar
马六甲 Melaka
马六甲 Melaka/Malacca
纳闽岛 Pulau Labuan
彭亨 Pahang
霹雳 Perak
柔佛 Johor
森美兰 Negeri Sembilan
沙阿兰 Shan Alam
沙巴 Sabah
沙捞越 Sarawak
新山(柔佛巴鲁) Johor Baharu
雪兰莪 Selangor
亚罗士打 Alor Star
芙蓉 Seremban
怡保 Ipoh
槟城 Pinang
槟榔屿 Pulau Pinang
All these city we can deliver to, whatever by sea or by air. below offer the best rate for the both freight.
1. 海运费700RMB一个立方,全包送货上门,收货人不用支付任何额外费用。
2. 最少1个立方启运,不足一立方按以立方计算。
3. 送货到我们仓库之前必须在货物上写上唛头
4. 如果客户需要我们提货服务,请告知提货地址等信息,便宜地区联系发货人用托运方式寄到我们仓库。
5. 货物到达仓库后,提供清单,收货人名字,电话,派送地址等信息。
6. 在货物发运后将给账单给客户进行付款操作。
11 - 20 Kg | 25 RMB per Kg |
21 - 50 Kg | 23 RMB per Kg |
51 - 70 Kg | 21 RMB per Kg |
71 - 100 Kg | 20 RMB per Kg |
101 - 300 Kg | 19 RMB per Kg |
300 Kg above | 18 RMB per Kg |
Note: 货物必须送到我们仓库,然后提供清单和收货人信息
Most Loosen cargo are calculated by cubic and weight whichever bigger. sea shipping almost started less 1 CBM. if goods volume is 0.5 CBM, its should also calculate 1 CBM. if goods volume is 1.2 CBM. its should calculate 1.2 CBM.
1 CBM volume goods could not exceed to 500KG weight. if goods actual cubic is 0.8 CBM or just 1 CBM. but its weight is 700 KG. the final cubic is 700 / 500 = 1.4 CBM.
1 CBM = 1 meter Length X 1 meter Wide x 1 meter High (all goods accumulate together by measure its total L x W x H )
For example: 1 box. its length is 35 cm, wide 50 cm and high 50 cm. its cubic volume is 0.087 CBM
Air Shipping: air cargo often charge actual weight and cubic weight whichever bigger
For example: if a carton actual weight is 15 kg. and its cubic weight is 21 kg. so, total freight should charge as 21 weight. and if a carton's actual weight is 15 kg, and its cubic weight is 13 kg, its total freight should charge as 15 kg
the method of calculate cubic weight as below figure
手机: +86 15800246878
QQ: 908865002
web: www.djcargo.cn
EMAIL: brage@djcargo.cn