Polarization Insensitive Filter WDM
Features Applications
Low Insertion Loss CATV System
High Return Loss CWDM/DWDM Module
High Reliability & Stability Pon Networks
Parameters Unit Values
Type nm 1064/980 1550/980 1550/1064 1550/1480
Transmission Wavelength nm 1020~1080 1520~1580 1520~1580 1535~1565
Reflection Wavelength nm 960~990 960~990 1020~1080 1480±10
Max.Insertion Loss of Transmission Channel dB 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8
Max.Insertion Loss of Reflection Channel dB 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6
Min.Transmissionl Isolation@Reflection Wavelength dB 25 30 25 25
Min.Reflection Isolation@Transmission Wavelength dB 12 15 12 12
Max.Channel Flatness dB 0.4
Max.Polarization Dependent Loss dB 0.15
Max.Wavelength thermal stability nm/℃ 0.003
Max.Insertion loss thermal Stability dB/℃ 0.005
Min.Return Loss N 50
Max.Power Handling (CW) mW 300
Fiber Type - SMF-28e,Hi1060
Operating Temperature ℃ 0~+70
Storage Temperature ℃ -40~+85
For device with connector, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower
Package Dimensions
Ordering Information
1111 -Operating wavelength: 5548=T1550nm/R1480nm, 5598=T1550nm/R980nm, 0608=T1064nm/R980nm,......
2 -Port Number 1=1x1, 2=1x2
3 -Pigtail type: 0=250 bare fiber, 1=900um loose tube, 2=2.0mm loose tube, 3=3.0 loose tube
4 -Fiber length: 0=0.8m,1=1m
555 -Connector type: 0=FC/UPC,1=FC/APC,2=SC/UPC,3=SC/APC,4=LC/UPC,5=LC/APC