深圳市盛顺物流有限公司是经深圳市工商局、交通局、及外经贸委批准的国际货物运输及货运代理的企业。 公司同时持有北京交通部及美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)批核"NVOCC"无船承运人资质证书。
在美国同时持有美国海关(CBP)认可C3 及 Continous Bond可发送 "自动舱单系统"(AMS) 及 "进口商安检申报"(ISF) 。
1. 海运集装箱运输
2. 危险品、特种箱、油罐箱、散杂货等货物运输
3. 香港及珠江三角洲转运货物
4. 货物仓储、保管、分货、派送等服务
5. 代理报关、代办商检、植检及各种检验证书(如品质检验,卫检)
6. 三角贸易、异地签单等服务
7. 国际货物门到门一条龙运输送货服务
8. 保险、DDU和DDP服务
9.Sourcing and Buyer consulting
公司与各大航运企业(EMC、TS、KMTC、NYK、MCC、CMA、APL、YML、RCL、HJ、MSK、 PIL、 Wan Hai、 ANL等)有着长年合作关系,航线 覆盖香港、东南亚、中东印巴、日韩、欧洲、美国、加拿大、中南美、加勒比海、非洲、红海、澳洲等地区。
Detailed Services:
1. Soucing--could guide you to the wholesale markets and factories for sourcing products with your price and high quality easily !
2. Quality control -- to stay in factory during manufacture to make sure the factories are according to the request production from your side.
3.Shipping -(Express/Air/CONTAINER)arrange shippment and work out customs documents and certificates such as packing list,commerical invoice,Certificate of Origin (Form A,Form E,Form B, Form P,Form F), Fumigation Certificate, Disinfection certificate and bill of Lading.
4.translation --follow customer to any city in China ,be your own translator or interpreter.
Conference Interpretation(simultaneous/consecutive interpretation),etc.
5.car rental--driver and car pick up anywhere in guangzhou,foshan,dongguang,shenzhen,etc to visit factories or drop off to airport.
6. Outsourcing-- outsource part of your product development to the right R&D team
7. Localization-- marketing, branding, sales,etc.
Industry covers Tech, Government, Education, Entertainment, Advertisement, Finance, Investment Bank, Entrepreneurship, etc.
Contact Info :
wechat: 13418585558
Whatsapp: (+86) 13418585558
E-mail: rain.song@bccm-world.com
ChunFeng Road, No.1005 United Building, Floor12, Luohu District,Shenzhen ,Guangdong Province ,China.