批发德国 DEIK 扫地机器人 吸尘器智能家用 超薄全自动洗擦地机
升级的3点清洗系统:重新设计的滚刷更宽,减少陷痕地毯和床单,双侧刷,强大的吸力确保彻底清洁。5清洗模式:内置陀螺仪传感器,自动清洗,点清洗,墙壁跟踪清洗,涡轮增压清洗,新的s型路线。升级导航传感器:自动调整吸力强度到地毯/瓷砖/硬木/层压板地板,避免上下颠簸,楼梯和落料,低功耗时自动回到充电平台。而且每周的可编程时间表也很方便。智能设计:一个900ml的垃圾箱设计支持更长的清洗过程,高效的空气过滤系统,防止垃圾在清理垃圾箱时溅出。Deik机器人真空吸尘器在硬地板和地毯上提供强力吸力1200Pa,最大运行时间为60分钟。请注意, 目前的版本不支持mop功能,因为它比以前的版本更具竞争力。免担心三年保修期:Deik机器人吸尘器、遥控器、充电座、交流电源适配器、清洗工具、HEPA过滤器、四边刷、欢迎使用指南。Upgraded 3-point cleaning system: the redesigned roll brush is wider, reducing the indentation of carpet and sheets, double side brush, strong suction to ensure thorough cleaning.5. Cleaning mode: built-in gyroscope sensor, automatic cleaning, point cleaning, wall tracking cleaning, turbocharging cleaning, new s-type route.Upgrade navigation sensor: automatically adjust suction strength to carpet/tile/hardwood/laminate floor to avoid ups and downs, stairs and materials, and return to charging platform when low power consumption. And weekly programmable schedules are convenient.Intelligent design: a 900ml bin design supports a longer cleaning process, efficient air filtration system to prevent waste from spillage when cleaning the bin. The Deik robot vacuum cleaner provides 1200Pa of strong suction on hard floors and carpets, with a maximum operating time of 60 minutes. Note that the current version does not support mop functionality because it is more competitive than previous versions.Don\'t worry about three-year warranty period :Deik robot vacuum cleaner, remote control, charging seat, ac power adapter, cleaning tool, HEPA filter, four-side brush, welcome to use guide