4-72 Series Centrifugal Fan(A type)
* 本系列风机具有高效率、噪音低、圧力曲线平稳、使用范围广等特点,主要用于厂矿企业、体育馆、歌剧院、地下室、大小宾馆、酒楼、商场及大型建筑的室内通风换气,降温除尘等用途,也可以与其他各类机械设备配套作气体循环使用。输送介质为空气和其他不自燃、对人体无害、无腐蚀性气体,B4-72采用防爆电动机、铝制叶轮、可作为易燃挥发性气体的通风换气用,气体温度≤80℃,气体内不允许有粘性物质,尘土及固体杂质≤150mg/m3。 * 属中压大流量离心通风机,叶轮由后倾叶片,锥弧形前盘和平板型后盘组成
* 效率高、噪音低、坚固耐用
* 可用于一般工厂及各类宾馆、酒店集中空调系统气体输送、厨房排气以及地下室、影剧院、会议室、体育馆等大型建筑物的通风换气、降温除尘等
* 型号:2.8A、3.2A、3.6A、4A、4.5A、5A、5.6A、6A、7A
* 风量:1020~25736 m3/h
* 功率:0.75kw~22kw
* 风压:152~4152pa
Featured by high efficiency, low noise ,wide ues and steady pressure curve, 4-72 type is an ideal equipment for gas recvling, indoor ventilation & coolingin mining enterprises, coliseum opera house, basement, large and small hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and major building. The transporting medium is air or other non-spontaneous-combustion and non-explosive-combustion ari with no harm to human . With an anti-explode motor, B4-72 can use for ventilation of volatile flammable gases. The air transferred shall not contain any adhesive material. Dust and grain and the concentration shall not exceed 150mg/m 3,with the temperature no higher than 80℃
* Middle pressure and large flow centrifugal fan . The impeller is consisted of airplane-like backward blade. Cone-curved front plane and flat rear plate
* High efficiency , low noise and strong and long service life
* Used for the air conveyance of air-condition systems in the factories , hotels and restaurants , kitchen air-exhausting and the ventilation cooling and dir-extraction of basement , cinema , meeting-room , stadium and other large buildings
* Model: 2.8A、3.2A、3.6A、4A、4.5A、5A、5.6A、6A、7A
* Air volume: 1020~25736 m3/h
* Power: 0.75kw~22kw
* Total pressure: 152~4152pa