The machine is a horzontal trough two paddles,which is widely used for homeogeneous mixture of powdery or wet materials in the fields as phamceutical, chemical and foodstuffetc. Of which ,all contact areas with material are made from stainless steel, paddle keeps a small gap with cylinder body which ensures complete mixture, sealing device are disgned on both ends of the agitating axle to prevent material effusion.
1、检查机器:设备操作前的检查工作:①检查混料机内应无异物,料斗内壁应干燥,打开进料口盖和关闭出料口盖。②检查混料机周围应无障碍物,以免混料机运转时会磁撞到障碍物上,造成事故。 2、备料:准备好需要混合的各种物料,切记物料必须是干燥的,若物料不是干燥,得不能用此类型混合机,可采用我厂的槽型混合机,或先用烘箱烘干再进行此项操作。
江苏双桨混合机技术参数Technical Data
工作容积(L)working volume | 50 |
搅拌电动机(kw)mixing motro | 4 |
桨轴转速(r/min)paddle speed | 25 33 |
倒料电动机(kw)dumping motor | 0.75 |
混合槽zui大倾斜角度(°)max imclination of the mixing trough | 105° |