1.产品主要适用于在Android/iOS(仅限中国大陆地区使用)/Win XP/7/8/10系统蓝牙连接戏操作时使用!2.适用设备:智能手机/平板电脑/智能电视机、机顶盒/PC电脑/3.L2/R2为模拟量功能,更加注重体验的细节,使游戏精准可控!4.带Turbo加速功能,在游戏操作时功能更加强大,快捷!5.在鼠标模式下,带多媒体功能:音量-/音量+/播放.暂停/上一曲/下一曲;
1.This Gamepad support playing games on Bluetooth enabled Android tablet/ smart phone/ TV
box/ smart TV/ VR/ tablet, Win7/ Win8/ Win10/ Win XP PC
without any drivers.
2.L2 button and R2 button have simulator function, much more focus on operating details, make
games controled exactly.
3.Support TURBO(acceleration) function, make it stronger and more fast when playing games.
4.Multimedia player buttons "volume +, -,"last ","next ""Play / Pause" can be used under Mouse