特点:具有颜色持久、质轻、自防水、坚韧、保温隔热、隔音、耐腐蚀、抗风防震、 抗冰雹、抗污、绿色环保、防火、绝缘、安装方便等优点。而且造型美观,立体感强,颜色极具中国元素,使得它被广泛应用于各类永久建筑屋面装饰,尤其目前国内大力推广的“平改坡”工程,真正达到美化城市的装饰瓦。
Design: Originating from Chinese elements and European luxurious styles, to meet different styles of architectural designs.
Raw materials: Adopting highly weather-resistant ASA engineering resin
Technology: Adopts the most advanced co-extrusion technology for one-step compositing. The surface layer is ASA weather-resistant material, and the bottom layer is made with corrosion-resistant polyethylene and other materials.
Features: Lasting colors, light weight, water resistance, high toughness, heat preservation and insulation, sound insulation, corrosion-resistance, wind and vibration resistance, hailstone resistance, stain-resistance, environmental protection, fire-resistance, isolation, ease of installation, as well as elegant, three-dimensional shape, Chinese elements in coloring. Extensively used in various permanent building roof decoration, particularly slope roofing projects highly recommended in the country,the decorative tile truly achieving city beautification.
厚度:3.0mm 宽度:1050mm/880mm
波距:160mm; 波高:30mm;
Thickness: 3.0mm Width: 1050/880mm
Length: Customized according to the times of pitch
Wave spacing: 160mm; Wave height: 30mm;
Pitch: 220mm
1.卓越的防水性能 Excellent waterproofing performance
The synthetic resin tile selects highly weather-resistant resin, which is dense and absorbing no water, with no pore penetration problem. The product is 45% wider than traditional tiles, with less roof contact,so synthetic resin tile's waterproof performance has greatly increased than traditional tiles.
2.色彩持久 Lasting color
This product features ultra durability in natural environment. Even under tough conditions
of exposure to UV, high temperature and freezing coldness, it still keeps stable color. Ideal for various permanent roof decoration.
3.卓越的抗负载 Excellent anti-load performance
Excellent bearing capacity. In low-temperature area, even if the roof has perennial snow
cover, the synthetic resin tile will not have surface damage or rupture. As tested, no tile cracking or damage will occur under the conditions of 660mm supporting space and loading 150kg.
4.隔音效果好 Good sound insulation
Tests have proved that synthetic resin tiles have excellent noise absorption function when suffered heavy rains and strong winds.
5.耐火性强 Good fire resistance:
Belonging flame retardant material, with fire resistance B1 as tested by national authoritative departments according to GB8624-2006 standard.
6.抗冲击,耐低温性好 Good impact resistance and low temperature resistance
Comparatively high impact resistance. As tested, it will not crack with 1kg steel ball falling on it freely from the height of 3m. The impact resistance is also outstanding under low temperature.
7.绿色环保 Green environment-friendly
Containing no asbestos and radioactive elements; recyclable and fully meeting green environmental protection requirements.
8.体积稳定 Stable volume
膨胀系数为4.93X10 mm/mm/℃,同时瓦型在几何形状上具有双向性能,即使温度变化较大,瓦伸缩也能被自身消化,从而确保几何尺寸稳定。
The expansion coefficient is 4.93X10 mm/mm/℃, and the tile features bidirectional function in geometry. Even at high temperature difference, tile contraction will be self digested, to ensure geometrical and size stability.
9.优异的绝缘性能 Excellent insulating property
Isolating product, keeping intact at accidental electric discharge.
10.自清洁性能优 Excellent self-cleaning performance
The surface is dense and smooth, with "lotus leaf effect", not easy to absorb dust, and will be cleaned by rain. The tile surface stains will not leave stains after rain washing, and not easy to hang snow, reducing risk of collapse caused by over load.
11.保温隔热性能优异 Excellent heat-preserving and heat insulating property
导热系数为0.325w/m.k,大约是粘土瓦的1/310,水泥瓦的1/5.0, 0.5mm厚彩钢瓦的1/2000。因此,在不考虑加保温层的情况下,合成树脂瓦的隔热保温性能仍能达到最佳。
The heat conductivity coefficient is 0.325w/m.k, about 1/310 of clay tile, 1/5.0 of cement tile, and 1/2000 of thick color steel tile. Therefore, without considering adding heat-preserving layer, the heat insulation and heat preservation of synthetic resin tile can still be optimized.
12.优异的耐腐蚀性能 Excellent corrosion-resisting performance
Can resist long-term acid, alkali and salt corrosion, etc. Tests have proved that there would be no chemical reaction after soaking in salt and alkali and various acid under 60%. It is ideal for application in areas where acid rain is common, with particularly outstanding effects.
13.安装快捷 Quick installation
重量轻及配件品种齐全,因此很容易装卸;另外,合成树脂瓦有效宽度为960mm,其铺装效率更高、更节省成本。Light-weight and with complete accessory varieties, so very easy to load and unload; besides, with effective width of 960mm, our synthetic resin tile is more efficient and cost-saving in installation.