济南珍珠棉包装盒品牌 济南珍珠棉内衬批发商 济南珍珠棉内衬包装
High-density pearl cotton shock-proof packaging is made by physical foaming. The selection of foaming aids, shrinkage-resistant agents, nucleating agents and temperature control requirements are relatively stringent. When choosing the foaming agent, it is necessary to make the best gaseous state under the condition of the scale, to facilitate the liquefaction under the pressure condition, and the second is that the foaming agent is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, no decay, residue in the polymer after foaming, low permeation rate in polyethylene melts, low vapor pressure, high volatility and low molecular weight at room temperature. With a large density, the unit volume of the gas is low, the extrusion state can be dissolved in polyethylene, increase the temperature and pressure, the change of quantity will increase, and the plastic foam is easily formed into a small density foam.
High density EPE pearl cotton:
The high density pearl cotton shock proof packaging material is not only higher in density, but also with excellent elasticity and resilience, more exquisite and not easily deformed. The high density EPE pearl cotton overcomes the shortcomings of the fragile, deformation and poor resilience of the traditional packaging material, compared with the ordinary EPE pearl cotton.
High density pearl cotton shock proof packaging material is a new kind of poly (ethylene) product. EPE pearl cotton not only pollutes the environment, but also can be recycled and used again and again. Therefore, it is a new kind of packaging material by virtue of its own characteristics.
With the development of electronic commerce and the continuous progress of products, high-density pearl cotton shock-proof packaging materials will be more widely used in packaging and filling materials. Because of the high density white EPE pearl cotton shock proof packaging material is a new type of environmental protection package, its good characteristics, more and more people know, so its use will continue to expand and innovate. Especially in packaging and other industrial materials, it is better than the traditional timber performance, lower cost, higher grade, elegant, better results.
济南云乾包装制品有限公司是一家集设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的综合性专业化塑料包装生产企业。我厂生产工艺先进技术力量雄厚,主要业务epe珍珠棉、EPE珍珠棉卷材、epe珍珠棉板材以及异型包装内衬定制、泡沫、泡棉制品。深受广大客户欢迎。其产品广泛应用广泛应用于汽车坐垫 、抱枕 、电子电器、仪器仪表、电脑、音响、医疗器械、工控机箱、五金灯饰、工艺品、玻璃、陶瓷、家电、喷涂、家俱家私、酒类及树脂等高档易碎礼品包装。