Tulsion® MB-106 up 为高阶核子级抛光树脂, 是由核子级强酸型阳离子Tulsion® T-46 及核子级强碱型阴离子 Tulsion® Tulsion® A-33 以1:2 体积比的剂量比例 , 预先混合的混床级离子交换树脂,专门提供给超纯水系统抛光用,具有高的交换容量及优越 的物理特性。适合用于电子产业 ,生产半导体及映像管产业,实验室,激光,高精仪器,医用行业等需要超纯水的行业,以及核电厂等使用。在全球我们有数十家 核电厂使用我们的抛光树脂。
YPICAL CHARACTERISTICS ---------------------------------------- 基 本 特 性
| TULSION®T-46 (阳) | TULSION®A-33 (阴) |
型式(Type) | 强酸性阳离子交换树脂 (Strong acid Cation exchange resin) | 强碱性阴离子交换树脂 (Strong base Anion exchange resin) |
主体结构(Matrix Structure) | 苯乙烯(Cross linked polystyrene) | 苯乙烯(Cross linked polystyrene) |
功能基 (Functional Group) | 硫酸基(Sulfonic acid) | 4级胺(Quaternary ammonium Type I) |
物理性貭(Physical Form) | 球状颗粒(Moist spherical beads) | 球状颗粒(Moist spherical beads) |
离子型式(Ionic form supplied) | 氢(Hydrogen) | 氢氧(Hydroxide) |
粒径范围(U.S.mesh in wet) | 16 to 50 | 16 to 50 |
粒度范围 (Particle Size) | 0.3 to 1.2 mm | 0.3 to 1.2 mm |
微粒含量(Fines Content) | 穿过US 50 Mesh小于0.5% (Less than 0.5% passing through 50 U.S.mesh) | 穿过US 50 Mesh小于0.5% (Less than 0.5% passing through 50 U.S.mesh) |
总交换容量 (Total Exch. Capacity) | 1.8 meq/ml minimum of 99% in hydrogen form | 1.0 meq/ml minimum of 90% in hydroxide form and less than 1% in chloride form |
PH范围 (pH Range) | 0 to 14 | 0 to 14 |
允许温度 (Temp. Stability) | 120°C | 60°C |
溶解率 (Solubility) | Insoluble in all common solvents | Insoluble in all common solvents |
溶出有机物(Organic leachable) | Less than 0.2 mg KMNO4 per ml of wet resin | Less than 0.2 mg KMNO4 per ml of wet resin |
密度Backwash settled density | Approx.750 gm/liter | Approx.750 gm/liter |
不纯物(Impurities) | Fe=50 ppm(max) | Fe=50 ppm(max) |
| Cu=50 ppm(max) | Cu=50 ppm(max) |
| Pb=50 ppm(max) | Pb=50 ppm(max) |
球粒强度(Bead strength) | Avg. not less than 300g/bead by Chatillon test (ASTM Standard) |
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即ASTMD - 2187和IS - 7330,1998.
Super Sack | 1000 lit | Super Sack | 35 cft |
MS drums | 180 lit. | MS drums | 7 cft |
HDPE lines Bags | 25 lit. | HDPE lines Bags | 1 cft |