电流Current | 10 A peak | 100 A peak |
输出Ouput | 100 mV/A | 10 mV/A |
电气参数Electrical specifications
输出信号Output signal:
In mV (1000 mV peak max)
精度和相移 Accuracy and phase shift (1):
范围 Range | 100 mV/A | 10 mV/A |
电流范围 Current range | 50 mA...10 A peak | 1 A...100 A peak |
输出信号精度 % Accuracy of output signal | 3% ±5 mV | 500 mA...40 A peak: 4% ±500 μV 40...100 A peak :15% max at 100 A |
频率范围 Frequency range | DC...100 kHz (-3 dB) | |
偏差 Phase shift | DC...65 Hz: < 1.5° | DC...65 Hz: < 1° |
插入阻抗nsertion impedance | 0.01 Ω | |
噪声 Noise | 6 mV | 600 μV |
转换速率 Slew Rate | 0.3 V/μs | 20 mV/μs |
上升/下降时间 Rise/Fall Time | 3 μs | 4 μs |
工作电压 Working voltage:
600 Vrms max
通常模式电压 Common mode voltage:
600 Vrms max
相邻导体影响 Influence of adjacent conductor:
< 0.2 mA/A AC
导线在钳口内位置的影响 Influence of conductor positioning in the clamp’s jaws:
0.5% of the reading at 1 kHz
电池 Batteries:
9 V Alkaline (NEDA 1604A, IEC 6LR61)
电池寿命 Battery life:
55 Hrs approx.
典型消耗 Typical consumption:
8.6 mA
电池电量显示 Battery level indicator:
Green LED when > 6.5 V
过载指示 Overload indicator :
Red LED indicates the measured current is too high for the selected range
机械参数 Mechanical specifications
操作温度 Operating temperature:
0 °C to +50 °C
存储温度Storage temperature:
-30 °C to +80 °C
温度影响 Temperature Influence:
< 0.2% per °C
工作相对湿度 Operating relative humidity:
+10° to +30°C : 85 ±5% RH (without condensation)
+40° to +50°C : 45 ±5% RH (without condensation)
操作高度 Operating altitude :0 to 2000 m
直流调零 Adjustment of DC zero:
20 turn potentiometer (± 1.5 A min)
最大夹持能力Max. jaw insertion capacity:
Ø11.8 mm
防护等级 Casing protection:
IP20 in accordance with IEC 529
跌落测试 Drop test:
1 m on a 38 mm container of oak on concrete, test in accordance with IEC 1010
冲击保护 Shock protection:
100 g (IEC 68-2-27)
抗振性 Vibration :
10/55/10 Hz, 0.15 mm test in accordance with IEC 68-2-6
阻燃能力 Self-extinguishing ability:
Casing : UL94 V2
尺寸 Dimensions:
231 x 36 x 67 mm
重量 Weight: approx.
330 g with batteries
深灰色 Dark grey
Via 2 m coaxial cable ended with BNC insulated plug.
安全规范 Safety Specification
电气 Electrical:
600 V category III, pollution: 2
300 V category IV, pollution: 2
电磁兼容性 Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EC Stamp):
EN 50081-1: class B
EN 50082-2:
- Electrical discharge IEC 1000-4-2
- Radial Field IEC 100-4-3
- Rapid Transients IEC 1000-4-4
- Magnetic Field to 50/60 Hz IEC 1000-4-8
(1)参考条件:23°C±5°K,相对湿度20%至75%,频率为48赫兹到65赫兹,外部磁场<40 A/ m时,附近没有载流导体,测试样品中心,负载阻抗: 1 MΩ 。
(1) Reference Conditions : 23°C ±5°K, 20 to 75% RH, 48 to 65 Hz, external magnetic field < 40 A/m, no current carrying conductor nearby, centred test sample, load impedance 1 MΩ