1、Oscillator Frequency Range: 1 KHz - 1000 MHz
Oscilloscope Analog Bandwidth: 600 MHz (rise time 1% error at 5 nsec)
2、测试夹具可配DIP 型Full & Half Size 或SMD(4 pad or 6 pad)等不同外型以及不同负载(包
3、量测参数: Frequency,Start Time,Start Voltage,Supply Current,Waveform (Rise Time, Fall
Time,Duty Cycle,V High,V Low),VCXO Pullability and Linearity,Tri-state(三态测试)。
4、Windows 操作系统,提供最新的操作接口。
BIN Bin selected for oscillator 槽位
DATE Measurement date stamp 量测当时之日期
DUTY Duty cycle 占空比
FR Frequency at Vcc and Vco nominal 频率
FRAW Frequency before prescaler 预比例前频率
F@V Frequency at specified Vcc and Vco 特殊电压下频率
GROUP Group number based upon group criteria 条件分类
HIGH PULL Frequency at Vco maximum 最大控制电压之频率
I Current into oscillator 驱动电流
LINEARITY Linearity of pullability VCXO推动性的线性度
LOW PULL Frequency at Vco minimum 最小控制电压之频率
OPEN Status of open test 开路
PERIOD Period of oscillation 振动周期
POWER Power into oscillator 驱动功率
SHORT Status of short test 短路
STATUS Status of oscillator test 测试状态
STABLE T Time for stable frequency 频率稳定时间
START DF Delta frequency between specified times 指定时间的频率差
START F Frequency at start up 起振频率
START T Time to start oscillator 起振时间
TIME Measurement time stamp 量测当时之时间