★ 鋒口的銳利面,保持方向性,所以研磨時不但快速而且磨紋一致美觀。
★ 由開始研磨致完工時,切削力都保持不變,經濟有效。
★ 紙張特別柔軟,免卻浸水再用之麻煩。
★ 紙張經過“防滑”處理,在研磨時絕不會有滑手之虞。
★ 紙張雖然浸在冷 、 熱水中,或皂液及潤滑油劑中都不會起縐。
★ 獨特的紙張經過全脂上槳,保証耐用。
★ 優良的磨料經過嚴格電子分篩,保証磨紋的一致性及耐用度。
碳化矽乳膠紙水砂紙(SFAC & SFCC)
EAGLE Brand Silicon Carbide Waterproof Abrasive Paper,Flexible back
code: SFAC & SFCC
Primarily used by auto repair industry and automobile assembly plants where flexible back and high finishes are required.
Code 編碼 | Backing 背紙 | Abrasives 磨料 | Grits 砂目 | size 尺寸 |
SFAC | Flexible Aw | CC | P2000-P150 | 9"x11" (230mmx280mm) |
SFCC | Flexible Cw | CC | P150-P60 | 9"x11" (230mmx280mm) |
SFAC | Flexible Aw | CC | P1200-P2000 | 5-1/2"x9" (140mmx230mm) |
EAGLE Brand Silicon Carbide Waterproof Abrasive Paper,Kraft back
code: SRCC
Standard production type waterproof paper for multi-purpose wet or dry sanding in a wide range of industries where stiff back paper is required.
Code 編碼 | Backing 背紙 | Abrasives 磨料 | Grits 砂目 | size 尺寸 |
SRCC | Kraft Cw | CC | P2000-P60 | 9"x11"(230mmx280mm) |
氧化鋁乳膠紙水砂紙 (KFAA)
EAGLE Brand Aluminum Oxide Waterproof Abrasive Paper,Flexible back
code: KFAA
Extremely durable,recommended for wet sanding of primer-surfacer and harder sanding surfaces.
Code 編碼 | Backing 背紙 | Abrasives 磨料 | Grits 砂目 | size 尺寸 |
KFAA | Flexible Aw | AA | P2000-P120 | 9"x11" (230mmx280mm |