* 双伺服驱动,远程诊断及升级;
Double servo-driven,Remote check/upgrade,
* 无需工具换版;
Quick changeover without tooling,
* 预套印及自动套印功能;
* 热风或UV干燥;
Hot air or UV drying,
* 记录和调用不同材料的生产数据;
Record the data of different material.
* 水冷辊UV配置;气动锁定墨斗,网纹辊与墨斗分离;
Chilled Drum is option,Air cylinder locked ink tray, Separated Anilox with ink pan,
* 该设备适用于PVC/PP/PET薄膜,铝箔,纸张/薄膜不干胶,60-400克纸张;
* This press is used forPVC/PP/PET film,AL-foil,Paper/Film PS label,60-400g paper.
* 短纸路设计;
* Short web path,
* 快速调试,预套印和伺服控制预压力设定;
* Quick set-up ,Pre-registration&Pre-impression by servo;
* 套筒式版滚筒;
* Sleeve plate cylinder,
* 滑动导轨上可安装其他功能;
* Rail system for portable cold foil /screen, etc.,
* 可配置反转,剥离复合,模切,收单张,覆膜,冷烫和丝网等装置;
* Turn bar,Delam/relam,Diecutting,Sheeting, Laminating,Cold foil&Screen, etc.
机械速度(Speed) | 150m/min |
最⼤印刷宽度(Web width) | 650/820 mm |
重复长度(Repeat length) | 229mm-610 mm |
最⼤放卷直径(Max. unwind diameter) | 1000 mm |
最⼤收卷直径(Max. rewind diameter) | 1000 mm |
最多机组(Max. units) | 12Units |
UV⼲燥(UV curing power) | 400 w/inch |
该设备采用双伺服驱动,能延展更多的功能,使机械操作非常轻松,机器 运行更加稳定,有效避免墨杠;
Build-in dual servo driven system offers more capabilities which makes the operation much easier, stable and eliminates bar marking effectively.
短纸路的设计,每个印刷色组走纸只有1.5米,8色 印刷的机器整台机器走纸只有18米, 减少了试机损耗和停机换卷损耗;
Short web path design for only 1.5 meter within a printing station can reduce material waste during start up and job change. Because total footage of a system equipped with eight colors printing is less than 18 meters.
Air cylinder locked ink tray,Much easier and quicker change.Separated Anilox with ink pan
Press is equipped with preregistration/auto registration/advanced tension control device. Change of operating speed will not affect registration. There is no waste during jogging and all the way up to production speed.
The servo control printing impression & Lateral registration by motor is option, Set up quickly.
套筒式版滚筒,采用锥形块锁定,方便操作还能保证版滚筒的耐用性和 真圆度。可印刷12微米到400克的卡纸。
The sleeve plat cylinder lock by cone, set up quickly ,durable & keep roundness.12 micron film and 400g paper is viable
The F8 is suitable for labels/film packaging & folding cartons. it is an environmentally friendly/fast & stable production method.