南京格涛装饰材料有限公司是一家专业生产、制作、安装卫生间隔断企业,公司位于历史名城古都南京高新工业园区。 公司拥有先进的生产加工设备,采用符合欧洲环保标准的抗倍特板、高密度板、防潮板、竹纤板、PVC板、不锈钢板、金属烤漆面板为主原材料,倡导低碳、绿色、环保的企业发展理念。本公司以特有的智慧,敏捷的把握市场动态和行业需求,广泛吸收国内外同行业中技术特点和风格元素,不断创新和丰富文化的内涵,塑造时尚、精致、高品位的艺术产品,引领市场潮流。
1.toilet partition system
Company address: Room 3201, Bingjiang No.8 Building, Puyun Road, Pukou District of Nanjing, Jiangsu province.
Telephone number:025-58600521
2. Quality Character Taste
3. Compact panel series Compact panel series
Material: 304 stainless steel hardware
Technique: flat mouth
Style: hanging type
4. 18/25mm steel plate paint partition
18 mm metal partition in hanging style
Material: Hot-galvanized paint steel plate
Hardware: 304 stainless steel hardware
Technique: rugged mouth, stainless steel skirting line
Style: drawbar type, ceiling- to -floor type, hanging type
5.the combined partition(1) of 18 mm stainless steel and wood veneer,
Material: the upright column: 304 nanometer stainless steel medium partition,
the door: wood veneer and steel plate
Hardware: 304 stainless steel hardware
Technique: rugged mouth, concealed and fixed connection
Style: drawbar type, ceiling-to-floor type, hanging type(optional)
The combined series of Stainless steel and toughened glass
Material: the upright column: 304 nanoparticlestainless steel, the door: glass paint, compact compound, the medium compact panel
Hardware:304 stainless steel hardware
Technique: rugged mouth, concealed and fixed connection
Style: ceiling-to-floor type
6.the combined series of wire-drawn stainless steel and toughened glass
Material: the upright column, the medium panel: 304 wire-drawn stainless steel, the door: 12 mm toughened paint glass
Hardware: special 304 glass hardware
Technique: nm-processed stainless steel, concealed and fixed connection
Style: ceiling-to-floor type, drawbar type(optional)
Toughened glass partition
Material: 0.6 mm toughened glass, compound stainless steel
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: compound type, stainless steel skirting line, trimmed with aluminium material
Style: no drawbar type
7.the series of ceiling-to-floor stainless steel and horizontally striped surface
Material: the upright column: mirror-like stainless steel of black titanium gold, medium partition,
Compound compact panel
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: rugged mouth, lintel, 304 wire-drawn stainless steel skirting line, concealed and fixed connection
Style: ceiling-to-floor type, drawbar type (optional)
The series of mirror-like black titanium gold hanging in the air
Material: mirror –like material of black titanium gold
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: frame base material, honeycomb core with built-in aluminium , 25mm ware trimmed and compound with aluminium material
Style: type of hanging in the air, no drawbar type
Bronze wire-drawn panel partition
Material: bronze wire-drawn metallic plate
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: structure of frame based material, 304 wire-drawn stainless steel skirting line with built-in honeycomb-core, concealed and fixed connection, 18mm ware
Style: no drawbar type
The series of 25mm bronze nanoparticle stainless steel hanging in the air
Material: nanoparticle stainless steel with champagne colour
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique:36mm compound frame base material
Style: the type of hanging in the air
8.304 wire-drawn stainless steel partition
Material: 304 nanoparticle wire-drawn stainless steel
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: rugged mouth, frame base material, compound honeycomb-core,18mm ware ( the thickness can be customized and processed)
Style: ceiling-to-floor type, drawbar type, the type of hanging in the air (optional)
Material: the upright column, medium metal paint partition, aluminium paint door
Hardware:304 stainless steel
Technique: frame base material, compound panel with honeycomb-core,18mm/25mm/30mm ware (the thickness can be customized and processed)
Style: ceiling-to-floor type, drawbar type, the type of hanging in the air (optional)
Compact bending panel partition
Material: 18mm compact bending panel
Hardware:304 stainless steel
Technique: bending panel, trimmed with metal, metal skirting line
Style: ceiling-to-floor type, medium reaching-ceiling partition
Urinal partition
The series of 18mm fire-proof plate made in China
Material: base material of fire-proof and moisture-proof plate
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: edged with PVC, trimmed with aluminium alloy
Type: drawbar type
metal partition series with cloth grain
Material: metal surface with cloth grain
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: rugged mouth, stainless steel skirting line
Style: drawbar type, 18mm/25mm ware ( the thickness can be customized)
Metal aluminium panel partition
Material: 1.5mm aluminium panel (imported)
Hardware: 304 stainless steel
Technique: rugged mouth, frame base material, honeycomb core with built-in aluminium, concealed and fixed connection
Style: ceiling-to-floor type, drawbar type, the type of hanging in the air (optional)
Quality hardware accessory with 304 stainless steel
Quality hardware accessory with 304 stainless steel
We can configure appropriate and durable hardware according to different styles, materials, and customer demands.
Quality hardware accessory with 304 stainless steel
Quality hardware accessory with 304 stainless steel
We can configure appropriate and durable hardware according to different styles, materials, and customer demands.