针织高效烧毛机(High-Efficiency Knitting Singeing Frame)
As the market requires higher and higher class of knitting fabric, the fabric surface needs to be neat, clear and soft. Especially, the popular elastic lycra smoothening technics and the singeing frame treatment on grey cloth can lower the singeing cost and increase the elasticity of knitting fabric and strengthen the fabric surface greatly. 目前市场上原有的烧毛机存在两大弊端:其一,容易产生过烧和烧毛疵痕(不均匀毛路);其二,能耗大(油、气损耗大)。因他们均选用“奥斯多夫”火口,此火口火焰温度高、火力大而散,难以操作,并不适合针织布,而本产品吸取了进口同类机的特点,采用了等温式型火口的技术,火口喷嘴两面均精加工而成,并在火口设有循环冷却水通道,长期使用不变形,从而保证了火口火焰的均匀,使用寿命长达8年以上,同时能耗较原来降低50%,大大降低了生产成本。 There are 2 major disadvantages of the Singeing Frames on the market currently: overburning and burning traces, and big energy consumption of oil and gas, because the OSTHOFF burner they use leads to high flame temperature at burner, big but scattered firepower and difficult operation, which are not suitable for knitted fabric. But our product, with figures of imported machines of the same kind, makes use of isothermal burner with spray nozzle finely finished at double sizes. There is circular cooling water channel at burner and it will not be deformed after long time use, which ensures the even flame at burner and over 8 years of service life. It reduces 50% of energy consumption and lowers the production cost greatly. 一、主要技术参数: 1.门幅:2200mm、2400mm、2600mm Fabric Width: 2200mm, 2400mm, 2600mm 2.速度:0~100m/min(变频调速) Speed:0~100m/min(frequency control) 3.电机总功率:13KW Gross Power of Electric Motor: 13kw 4.电源:380V/50HZ Power Source: 380V/50HZ 5.外形尺寸:长×宽×高=5820×3836×3533(2400mm为例) Size: Length * Width * Height = 5820×3836×3533(2400mm for example) 6.火口技术参数 Technical Parameters of Burner A、混合气热源:汽油、液化气、天然气 Heat source of mixed gas: gasoline, liquefied gas, natural gas B、混合气压力:250~350mmH2O(火口轴头处测量) Pressure of mixed gas: 250~350mmH2O(measured at spindle nose of burner) C、火口火焰温度:800℃~1200℃ Flame temperature at burner:800℃~1200℃ D、能耗 Energy Consumption:7~13Kg/小时(液化气) 7~13Kg/h (liquefied gas) 6~10L/小时(汽油) 6~10L/h (gasoline) 14~20m³/小时(天然气) 14~20m³/h(natural gas) 7.回报效率高,1-2个月可回收成本 High Return Efficiency: cost drawn back in 1 or 2 months 三、现场图片Spot Photos 1、高速准确灵敏的对中系统 High-Speed Precise Sensitive Centring System ●黄北洋(广东) 电话:18923210468 0757-27838481 公司地址:佛山市顺德区勒流街道新安村发展东路4号 Huang Beiyang (Guangdong) Tel:18923210468 0757-27838481 Company address:No.4,Fazhan Road(E),Xin’an Village,Leliu Town,Shunde District,Foshan City. ●麦国田 (浙南办) 电话:18098179408 浙江 (浙南)办地址:绍兴市柯桥区华舍街道聚贤花苑33号 Mai Guotian(Southern Zhejiang Office) Tel:18098179408 Zhejiang (Southern Zhejiang) office address:No.33,Juxian Garden,Huashe Sub-district,Keqiao District,Shaoxing City. ●黄远远(浙北办) 电话:18948985701 浙江 (浙北)办地址:桐乡市永兴路586号 Huang Yuanyuan (Northern Zhejiang Office) Tel:18948985701 Zhejiang (northern Zhejiang) office address:No.586,Yongxing Road,Tongxiang City. ●何建明 (福建办) 电话:18924804278 福建办地址:石狮市香江路845号 He Jianming (Fujian Office) Tel:18924804278 Fujian office address:No.845,Xiangjiang Road,Shishi City
2、进布扩幅装置 Cloth-in Expanding Equipment
3、机台操作面板 Desktop Operation Panel
5、S型正反可调节烧毛箱 S-Type Positive-Negative Adjustable Singeing Frame Cabinet
6、节能U型隔氧灭火装置 U-Type Energy-Saving Oxygen-Isolated Fire Extinguishing Equipment
7、出布装置 Cloth-out Equipment
四、产品相关尺寸 Size Parameters of Products
佛山市顺德区德博仕机械设备有限公司是一家专业从事印染机械研发、生产的科技型企业 。公司坐落于交通便捷、经济最具活力的珠三角洲,制造业重镇-顺德。