RRD推杆锁(学名为消防通道锁、又称推杠锁、逃生锁、防火锁),是按照《部、国家安全生产监督管理局关于开展人员密集场所消防安全疏散通道安全出口专项治理的实施意见》(公发[2003]4 号)文件精神开发出的,兼有方便开启、疏散指引、防火、防盗和能够与自动消防、安防系统联动等功能的先进门锁系统。
1. The door lock can be opened by pushing (pressing) the opening bar with the hand or any part of the body. The contradiction between emergency escape and theft-proof has been solved for a long time.
2. The front of the opening bar is marked with a light-storing self-luminous display sign. Even if the power is cut off in the building, the staff can be guided to find the exact location of the escape door lock, and then escape.
3. It has the function of automatic locking after closing every time. It is suitable for controlling the flow of people, preventing unauthorized departure and preventing theft. It not only effectively prevents the unqualified personnel from entering the building from the escape passage, but also ensures that the personnel in the building can easily enter the escape passage, and improves and guarantees the safety and escape function of the building.
4. User-built "channel management" function, suitable for any emergency access door, can be used in conjunction with other security equipment. By using special tools, the manager sets the door lock to the normal open (channel) state or the constant lock state-pushing the push rod door lock starter rod, turning the internal lock head counter-clockwise with special tools, the lock tongue can be locked in the normal open state (lock tongue retracts); by turning the internal lock head clockwise, the lock tongue can be reset to the constant lock state.