Advanced Microwave放大器WPA403
Frequency Range (GHz):2.0 - 6.0
Gain (dB) Min. Linear:30
Gain (±dB) Flatness Max.:2.5
1dB Gain Compression (dBm) Min.:+30
DC Supply mA Max.:750
Case Type:
Operating Case Temperature: -40 - +65 °C
Power Supply Voltage: +12V ±5% or, optionall, +15V ±5%. All amplifiers operate on a single supply.
Spurious Response: < 60 dBc (except harmonics)
VSWR: 2.0:1 input, 2.5:1 output
All input/output ports are KF connector above 26GHz.
The parts with (*) denote Psat.
Psat is 2 to 4 dB above P1dB.
Specifications are subject to change, slightly, due to semiconductor lot variation. Other specifications are also available (contact factory).
Caution: All power amplifiers require additional heatsink. Case temperature should not exceed +70°C .