Quartz fiber filter is made by high purity fine quartz fiber.
- 高纯度,采用高纯度石英/二氧化硅微细纤维为原料。High purity : use pure fine quartz fiber as raw material
- 不含任何胶黏剂和添加剂。 no adhesive and additive content
- 耐受酸性气体和500-900度的高温环境。 resistance to acidic gases and used in high temperature enviroment
- 气体截留率(0.3umDOP)>99.995% gas retention ratio not less than 99.95%
- 极低的重金属含量和本底值。 extremely low heavy metal content and background values.
- 烟道的颗粒物收集和源解析。 emission control in industrial smokestacks with islkinetic probes
- 气体中颗粒物重量采样分析。 gravimetric calculations in gases
- 适用于大、中、小流量的采样及采集高温、高湿酸性环境空气下污染物,如硫酸盐、硝酸盐和磷酸盐等。 suitable for sampling of different flows and collection of pollutant from air in higher temperature , humidity and acidic condition, such as sulphate,nitrate and phosphate,ctc.
- 元素分析。 trace clcment analysis
- 尾气排放空气质量检测。air sampling and monitoring of exhaust fumes.
- 他是PM2.5、PM10和TSP手工法采样的理想滤膜,如PM2.5和PM10质量浓度、重金属、多环芳香烃( PAH)、多氯联苯(PCB),二噁英等的测定。 used as ideal filter for measurement of PM2.5,PM10 and TSP sampling, such as mass concentration of PM2.5 and PM10, heavy metal,PAH ,PCB, Dioxin,etc,
产品代号 | 尺寸(mm) | 形状 | 包装(片/盒) | 适用温度 |
Z/QFP25 | φ25 | 圆形/ROUND
| 25/100 | 500-900 |
Z/QFP47 | φ47 |
Z/QFP90 | φ90 |
Z/QFP102 | φ102 |
Z/QFP110 | φ110 |
Z/QFP150 | φ150 |
Z/QFP250*250 | 250*200 |
Z/QFP400*300 | 400*300 | 方形/RECTANGLE |
Note: this product can be customized according to customer requirements.