內轉梅花輪幫浦 / Internal type club gear pump
傳動原理 / Drive principle:
Using the external seven teeth to spur the internal eight teeth is for liquid rotating with the compass tooth profile until entering channel outlet, because the tooth arc contacts, it can't be easily worn.
用途 / Application:
1.可定量供應塗料或液體輸送功能,搭配馬 達及變頻器使用可達到最佳效果。
Can supply the paint or liquid can be set for the delivery purpose with the functions use of motor and inverter will generates the best results.
For special paint or fluid can be customized.

Internal type club pump specifications
幫浦規格 Pump size
| 1cc、1.5cc、3cc 5cc、10cc
| 1cc、1.5cc、3cc 5cc、10cc
| 0.05cc、0.1cc 0.2cc、0.5cc
塗料入口尺寸 Paint outlet size
| 1/4”pt(f)
| 1/4”pt(f)
| 6mm
塗料出口尺寸 Paint inlet size
| 1/4”pt(f)
| 1/4”pt(f)
| 6mm
耐溫範圍 Temperature range
| 5-70℃
| 5-70℃
| 5-70℃
最快極限轉速 Mix. rotation speed
| 250RPM
| 250RPM
| 250RPM
材質 Material
| 碳化鎢 Tungsten Carbide
| 碳化鎢 Tungsten Carbide
特性 Features
| 1.梅花齒輪的形狀可降低耗損。 The club gear's shape can reduce wear. 2.延長使用壽命。 Extend the using life. 3.降低生產成本。 Can save the cost of production.
| 1.梅花齒輪的形狀可降低耗損。 The club gear's shape can reduce wear. 2.碳化鎢具有不鏽的特性,可適用水性塗料之輸送。 Tungsten carbide has no rust properties, can be suitable to water-based paint. 3.碳化鎢為超高硬度,更具耐磨特性。 Tungsten carbide is a high hardness, wear resistance is better.
| 1.梅花齒輪的形狀可降低耗損。 The club gear's shape can reduce wear. 2.碳化鎢具有不鏽的特性,可適用水性塗料之輸送。 Tungsten carbide has no rust properties, can be suitable to water-based paint. 3.碳化鎢為超高硬度,更具耐磨特性。 Tungsten carbide is a high hardness, wear resistance is better.
用途 Applications
| 抽油漆 | 抽油漆 | 抽油漆 |