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DC1700-PM PM2.5/PM10 AQM
Product Description
2.5 microns) - small (bacteria, mold, etc) large (pollen, etc.) Plus PM2.5 and PM10 readings.
The DC1700-PM is an improved version of the DC1700 battery operated air quality monitor. The DC1700-PM can display the particle readings as either particle concentration (>0.5um,>2.5um) or as mass concentration in PM2.5/PM10 (ug/m3) for direct comparison to the EPA. It features technology and engineering that allow monitoring of indoor and outdoor air quality. The user can easily switch between displaying mass (PM2.5/PM10) or concentration (>0.5 micron/>2.5 micron). The LCD also includes a dynamic bar graph showing instantaneous particle activity. Like earlier models it has multiple modes including minute, hour, day and monitor to evaluate your air quality, but also includes the following features:
Field Adjustment for PM2.5
Particles in different areas will have different characteristics which can produce errors in the PM2.5 readings of light scattering monitors. The DC1700-PM has a menu which allows the user to enter a correction factor based on local readings from the nearest government monitoring station.
Battery Operation
The DC1700-PM has an internal battery which provides up to 6 hours of continuous use (one or more days of typical usage) on a single charge. The DC1700-PM can also be operated off AC using the included wall adapter
PC Interface Included
The DC1700-PM includes the DylosLogger 3.0 program which can download the stored data along with the time it was taken. This data is output in a format ready to load into a spreadsheet program such as Excel for further graphing or analysis. A 9pin serial cable or USB-to-COM Port Adapter (not included) is needed to link the DC1700-PM to your PC or laptop. In addition to the DylosLogger the DC1700-PM data can be downloaded by any terminal program or custom software.